Quote Originally Posted by RajunCajun View Post
I don't give a shit if I go to a home that I OWN and paid for with MY MONEY, for 10 years! I should be able to keep whatever I want in it without some piece of shit breaking in and ripping me off. Would I keep expensive guns there, unsecured? No, because there are so many people out there begging for a bullet in the head that haven’t found it yet. Doesn’t make it ok, though….

If I'm home, and someone breaks in, that person is considered dangerous to me and will be killed if I'm given the opportunity. What's the difference between that and him breaking in when he thinks it's unoccupied?? NONE, that's what. He is armed for more reasons than just nature, I freakin promise you that. How nice is he going to be when he breaks in and there is actually someone there?? Any of you willing to take that chance?? I’m not!

His pattern seems to be escalating and I’m wondering what his limit will be. Hopefully someone gets the chance to blast this guy before he does hurt someone.
Exactly. Why is it so hard for these guys to get this? They're trying to justify this guy's actions because they feel a person shouldn't have the right to store his guns wherever he wants and agree with this nutjob's ideals? SRSLY???