Yes, electrically conductive thread. I've been wanting to modify my riding gloves so I can use my phone's touch screen without taking off the gloves. I was researching how to do it and it turns out it's pretty simple. Buy some conductive thread, sew a small patch of it onto the pad of your index finger/thumb, and leave the loose ends on the inside so that your finger gets good contact with it.
The only problem is finding said conductive thread locally. No one carries it.
I've found it online in a few places, and $2.95 for 60 feet isn't bad, but I really don't want to pay $5.95 for the shipping!
Anyone else want to order some conductive thread as well and we can split the shipping costs up however many ways?
I'm more than willing to front the cost (come on, paypal for 3 or 4 bucks? not happening... lol), and you can just pay me back whenever we meet to "exchange the goods".