Okay, let's let Frank be Frank and ponder the deeper meanings of laws in other states and the end of the political world as we know it and talk about something far more interesting and insightful... MOVIES!

So here's my plan... I'm going to propose a new debate topic weekly based on movies. Topics may be a specific movie, genre, or even the entire industry or anything related.

Why? Because I LOVE movies, and I've been finding myself focused a lot on them lately in conversations for some reason.

So here it is... Debate Topic #1:
What is the greatest movie soliloquy in your opinion?

Automatically nullified arguments:
Anything written by, or attributable to Shakespeare.

Founding argument to contest:
The "Tears in the Rain" soliloquy form Blade Runner. In my opinion, albeit short, it is and amazingly moving piece of cinema, especially knowing that Rutger Hauer improvised the final line.

Long high quality version here: http://youtu.be/a_saUN4j7Gw

To quote the Joker: "And... here... we... GO!"