Welp.... It's pre-reg' time for Racing 2 Save Lives and I want to put together a team.

Last year I was on "Team Pineapple" with Alex, 'Lou, Rick and others, and it was fantastic to be part of it. Outside of the invaluable mechanical help they offered, there was also the availability to everyone’s tools and chemicals, and a cooler or 3 to share some cold drinks or make an "off session" sandwich. Plus, it's just nice to occupy a garage or 2 with friendly faces for all the day-long bench racing that goes one.

So!... if anybody wants to be on a team with me, please let me know. The sooner that we can address this, the sooner we can pre-reg and get the sessions we want, as well as coordinate the road-trip to Utah!!!

I'm so excited, my ADD is kicking in!