here's a rant on something that almost happened to my credit and really pisses me off because I never even knew about it

I got a new bike at the end of Jan this year. Registered and all that right away. I ride 470 every once in a while.

today, 6-7 months later, I receive a letter from law offices of fuck dick and shit lips, that says legal action will be taken and wages will be garnished if I don't pay $25 to e-470. E-470 won't let me log in because the account didn't have an email address. It wouldn't let me make an account because an account already existed. It sent me a reset password with ": password:" because the script to reset passwords is fucked up. I call them and get to the option where a person can help and it hangs up 4 times in a row.

I call 2 hours later and talk to someone. They had my CORRECT address on file and never sent me a single bill/notice for this new vehicle (I have another account for my pre-existing vehicles that this wasn't linked to). Since it was "the first offense" they dropped the late fees and I paid 5 bucks.

Thank CHRIST they didn't report it to the credit agencies, so I didn't rock the cradle and let it go since there was no real problem anymore.

Fucking dickshit asshole diahrea sucking mother fuckers. I'm glad I caught this shit before it dinged my credit.

There needs to be a law saying a consumer must receive a letter with SIGNATURE required before a negative report can be submitted to their credit so that there's proof that you were contacted. Things like this can ruin people financially and there's no repercussion to the companies when they make mistakes that hurt the consumers

Good thing I'm a good citizen and I check into my non existing / unknown accounts ahead of time, fuckers
