Woodland Park, CO 717.B

Riding up to crash, guy no gear what so ever wads it into a tree. Hurt back, with sharp pain down his legs, and broken or fractured ankle. He was in so much pain he could barely roll to his side, but we made him do it himself so we would not HURT him more.


Flight for Life Landing:

So after this we head back up to the road. Cops are up there by this point trying to break into their running vehicle...LOL It seemed one of them left it running and keys in it. They used a baton to pry the door and a wire to hit the unlock button. A fellow rider in our group helped them.

They let us know about another crash they were heading too. Two motorcycles head on, on the trail. So we avoid going back the way we came to avoid that whole situation.

We still had a good ride.