Need Advise/Guidance

I'll be making another trip out there next month, but this time my friend and his R6 is coming along. I need some guidance on some possible/potential rides. (hear me out) LOL

Yes I've searched and done research but one MAIN question I have is how or what is a good road to get over to WinterPark from Estes. I've looked at the road that goes by Granby lake however when I 'thought' I was on it last year they were working on it so I turned around. One of our rides I plan on taking is the P2P highway up to Estes from golden/boulder and then come back through winter park/berthord pass and then I70.

Also wondering what is a nice road on the 'south' side of I70 which might dump into breknridge? (then come back swan lake road/loveland pass/i-70)

I'm already familiar and we will probably ride..
Bolder to Ned. and then down to Blk Hawk/Gldn (quick ride)
And as mentioned above the P2P up to estes.
We'll also probably hit Dekkers too for I've never been on that one and curious about it.
At one point in time we'll probably also come down/through CentralCty that 4laner is nice and will be perfect for my friend (nice and open)

Just like to get some feedback.. Prefer to keep this done via Email if possible due to anyone is able to read this, which is why I purposely misspelled some items.

Drop me a line my email is

Greatly appreciated