It's that time again! The 2006 Annual CSC Picnic is ON!!

The Important Stuff:
- Sunday June 11th, at Clement Park (directions below)
- Starts around 11:30am-Noon, goes till we finish
- The grill will be going with burgers and dogs, you're welcome to bring other stuff to cook by fire if you like
- Family is welcome, and this is kid/dog friendly (pets and some kids must be leashed!)
- Every year we seem to get even more people! This will be a lot of fun, don't miss it!

But How Do I Get There?
From Wadsworth and Bowles, go East on Bowles half a mile to one of the park entrances (using the one by the library will get you to us quicker). Follow the paved road up and around towards the skate park. We will have the same shelter as last year; paved parking is available next to the picnic site, and we'll have the CSC banners up for the directionally-challenged.

What Can I Bring? How Can I Help?
We need food, obviously. We'll supply the dogs, burgers, buns, and some basic condiments; beyond that we need everyone to step up and bring a side dish, pop, dessert, or whatever! We will also have Breckenridge Brewery Summerbright Ale on-hand!

If you have a pop-up or easily assembled canopy and can bring that, let us know. We had about 40x40 of extra shade last year and that worked out well. Same with chairs, that sort of thing.

Volleyball net? Other "park" activities?

Can I Bring My Friends Who Aren't CSC Members?
You can, but please remember this is a CSC function. We do ask that they contribute to the food somehow, it's cool if they come but not cool if they show up en masse and eat a bunch of food when everyone else brought some.

How Do I Bring Food and Ride?
If you're planning on riding to the picnic, either strap it on real good, or pass it off to someone who is driving. We'll start a list of cagers below who can take stuff there for people. If you do go this route, please don't expect them to pick it up from your house - you need to make arrangements to get it wherever it needs to be.

Who's Bringing What:
This is a list of who is bringing what food/drink/etc (it also helps us with headcount for the burgers and dogs):

1. Ralph/Donna: Smokin' a brisket, cookies, bringing the keg
2. Scott/Sarah: Sponsoring the Burgers
3. Nick Ninja: Tossed Salad
4. Suki and Frito: Pasta with crap in it
5. PG_Rider + Ball and Chain: EZ-Up and "some food", whatever that means
6. Kyle: Pop and j00 brownies
7. Jeaven: Some beer and his special sauce for the burgers
8. Beotch and Dick(head), plus the kid, maybe parents: Either chips and dip, or potatoes.
9. Ashli/Loopty: Juicy fruit and dessert
10. Sully: Watermelon
11. Tbyrd: Potato Salad
12. Notto: His legendary buns
13. Duc'nnit + 1: Deviled Eggs
14. Lo Mileage: Baked Beans
15. Ree: Assorted chips and dip
16. Wicky: Pasta Salad
17. FZRACE: Veggie and dip, or something
18. mclarke: Pop, water, macaroni salad, possibly some pudding and a pair of goggles
19. rlarsen: Meat tray
20. Chanda: 'Shrooms, guac dip and chips
21. Spidey: Burgers, dogs, condiments, etc
22. Canuck & Erin: Cookies, well Erin is bringing the cookies, Canuck is bringing Erin to try and prove he's not that gay.
......We'll add more as you post up with it!
(Please don't quote the entire list, just post what you're bringing specifically and we'll add it in)

Who is Caging It and Transporting Food for People?
This will help those of you on bikes arrange a cage to get your baked beans or whatever to the picnic. If you can volunteer please post up, but include your general location! Expect some people to PM you asking for your services. If you need food brought for you, PM one of these people.

1. Ralph (rforsythe), South Denver area (Evans/Monaco or I-25/Colorado)
.......Who else?