I'll go first, since I started this thread.

I'd say that my age may have altered my style a little. I'm fully aware that a serious accident might be difficult or impossible to recover from, since I'm nearing 60 and I can clearly see that I don't heal as well as I used to.

On the other hand, I'm more experienced and in some ways more confident than I was ~35 years ago when I first began to ride. I also have much better equipment, both gear and motorcycles, than existed back then, so I occasionally have a "hair on fire" kind of ride. And, I am riding motorcycles that are much more powerful than the ones I rode in my youth.

My eyesight is now better due to surgery. When my adrenaline is up, my reflexes are still very quick.

I guess I still might be a danger to myself and others, just like I was 35 years ago.

But, honestly, I think I now take fewer risks even though I often ride 50%-100% faster than I used to.
