Since this movie just came out for rent I recommend people seeing it as it really shook me up: one of those movies where after you just keep thinking about it. I’ve had at least 5 concussions through the years and I am sure in the sportbike community others have too; one of mine was from a motorcycle wreck.

Not only did Will Smith do an excellent job, but the movie was very informative on CTE (Chronic traumatic encephalopathy) that his character discovered. The doctor, Dr. Bennet Omalu, proves that concussions over the years have made people go crazy and is occurring more and more with sports nowadays. Unfortunately it can really only be confirmed post-mortem, so it has taken a long time to get this message out.

Honestly after seeing this, I am not sure I’d let my kid play football in fear of the concussions and damage it could lead to in the future (if they played for many years, starting at a early age). I’ve heard stories of NFL players breaking down in tears watching this movie and makes me wonder how many people are truly educated in this….or do they just play a sport and not think of the consequences.

It has mainly hit football, but there are other sports that have had players have it too: hockey, WWE, boxing, etc

This list is pretty amazing List of NFL players with chronic traumatic encephalopathy
Former players with CTE confirmed post-mortem: 25
Deceased players suspected of having suffered from CTE: 8
Living former players diagnosed with CTE or ALS or reporting symptoms consistent with CTE or ALS: 33
Former players listed as plaintiffs in lawsuits against the NFL for concussion-related injuries received after playing: 2000+
