Quote Originally Posted by Grim2.0 View Post
No fucking way man, bashed hit that nail right on the head! I've ridden a plenty with Justin and his riding is reckless as fuck. He as always ridden as if he had nothing to live for and there was no fear at all. I think the kid thing will help but he does need to do some thinking, how many bikes has he wrecked in the last 3 years?

could not have said it better myself.
Here I was thinking you were being sarcastic... Nope, just a prick.

Your ass had 1.5 weeks to call him out on your own if you wanted to.

As far as Bashed goes. If your whole point in starting this thread was to smear someone you accomplished your goal. I dont minds so much what you said but the fact that you started the thread to let the cat out of the bag and then jump his ass when he (and others) reply is horse shit.