Quote Originally Posted by Sully View Post
I agree with Bulldog... cars are not investments but can people make money selling them? Sure... My FJ is paid off and I'm not really interested in a car payment, but I would like another luxury vehicle, so we'll see what happens, but there is NO WAY in hell I would have a car payment over $500/600 I would also rather spend my $$ on experiences rather than material things...
I wonder if "experiences" comes with age because when I was younger I thought vacations were a waste of money because in the end you get nothing material. When Dave and Ashli got married I was in wedding so I was forced to go to Playa Del Carmen. We both loved it and since then we try each year for some vacation. Just having a vacation to look forward to helps a a lot, then just being able to see new places has made me more happy than the material possessions I used to think were everything. On my deathbed hopefully I will think of all the vacations I took and the experiences I got over the material stuff I've had.

Damir is probably going to get into the $500+ a month car payment....$37K on a standard loan is usually about $700 a month (depending how much is put down)....yeah too much for my cheap ass. I think his Columbian connections are helping him out