Who else here has an '06 GSX-R1000? Do you have any initial idle issues with your ride? My bike runs great, once it's warmed. I have no issues once I get rolling. However, even on a hot day when I start it, it will idle rough and even die on me. It takes me running the idle up to about 1500-2000 RPM's for about 30 seconds to a minute for me to be able to leave it without it killing the engine. Seems to me that a new bike should turn on and idle, especially on a warm, hot day without killing the engine. I called the fine folks at Fay Myers service and they told me that's just how the new GSX-R1000's run. He told me to just do what I've been doing and that's how to get by the issue. What are your thoughts on this? It doesn't sound right to me, but was hoping to hear from those of you that have more experience with this type of thing.

K...once we get all of the Suzuki slams out of the way by the Yammy, Kawasaki, and Honda fans..........I want to thank you all for your input.