Quote Originally Posted by Devaclis View Post
I fucking hate loud pipes as much as I hate emo kids but it still should not be illegal. If it is a noise ordinance it should cover all noise sources. Lawn mowers, the god damn leaf blowers that are run at 7 in the fucking morning, jake brakes on large trucks, ghetto ass $300 cars with $4k in stereo equipment in them, son of a bitchin' screaming neighborhood kids, and that soon to be dead neighbors dog that constantly barks at 1 in the "for the love of all that is packing heat make it fucking stop!" morning!!!
I couldn't of said it better Dana. If we're going after noise, then let's address all of it. Let's not discriminate. These yahoo's in their piece of crap cars cruising neighborhoods with their $4k stereo's shaking the hell out of my house...make them have to change out their stereo to "stock", that f'ing damn dog 3 houses away that won't stop barking at 1 a.m....make the owners put a damn muzzle on it, etc., etc.

I can see the point of the noise ordinance, but to isolate and enforce with bias as it appears they will be doing is not making much sense to me. Might as well say the seat belt law only applies to those that drive red import sedans. Everyone else you don't have to wear your seatbelts.

What a joke.