Would like to do a good canyon run on Sun. I've done all these at one time but have yet to connect them all. Lots of turns low mileage run (under 200 miles). I will describe the route on Sun. morning, 9:30 meeting, Moco,10am ride time. Many have done some of these canyons but few will have done all, and the trick will be connecting them in a good way which I have worked on a little. There will be a lot of turns in a short time, experience is a good thing for this run. Maybe that freak Pilot will show up because it will be a good technical ride and lots to be learned . So post if you want or just show up.
Disclaimer....... not responsible for any judgment errors, brain farts, speeding tickets, accidents, lost keys, running out of gas, lack of tire tread, lack of money, gravel in turns, deer in roads, cars in the way, passing on double solids, passing in turns, passing in general, Terra riding to fast, rain, snow, ice, becoming lost, pregnancy, lunch, Pilots speech's, Greg's road raging, My speeding, and any other unforeseen event or problem that might occur before on or after this proposed leisure Sunday ride through the country.