I was just out there today (first time at CDR), here is my opinion.

The layout of the track is awesome, the elevation changes/direction changes make for a great overall track.

... now however

The most prominate thing that needs to be changed BADLY (biggest safety concern) is turn 9 (the dragon slide exit) a about a 60 degree right hander, almost seems to be a declining radius turn, kind of like coming into the house turn CW. Anyway on the exit, if you low side, 10-15 yards away is a wall. That MUST be moved. After this turn you are on a straight away (with a wall on your left) the wall there is not a problem what-so-ever. What needs to be changed is the wall (the one 45 degrees to the track) and the one that is right on the left, needs to be chopped off 20 yards and just moved 20 yards to the west. The wall that is running east-west does not have to be moved, just chop 20 yards off the end of it, and move the 45 degree wall 20 yards up and that improves the safety of that turn VERY Well.

The dragon slide (I think its turns 7/8, chicane that you just straight line down hill) is not all that bad or rough, however there are about 7 different colors of pavement coming down it from all the patches on it, and there are wash outs on the sides from where water runs down that if you drop a wheel off of you will be in the marsh after you wreck. The best option here (and also for turns 5 and 6; but ill get to those in a second) would be to add skirts like they have done to pueblo on the inside of the turns.

Turn 6 is not all that bad (right hand slight up hill 180 degree), I was have a problem hooking up right after the apex (or where i was apexing) right when I got back on the throttle hard; but I think that was a combination of old tire/cold tire/spilt oil earlier in the day. One of the bigger problems though is coming into this turn there are some rough patches that could cause for some interesting passes.

Turn 5....... oh god please not turn 5. hahah now this might be the roughest/worst part of the track (180 degree left hander up hill). First entering the turn is after a straight, so you can come in pretty hot... well you dont want to come into this turn w/ upset suspension in the first place because you hit about 2 - 3 cracks/bumps that upset your bike as soon as you lean in. Coming to the top of the hill was pretty scary, it seemed as though the front of the bike just wants to leave, I dont know if it was just where I was hitting or what, btu it seems almost like your turning left, going up hill and then come to the top and all of a sudden the track drops away and you have a negative camber turn. The best solution here is either I didnt know how to run at this turn (which is a HIGH possibility) or that there needs to be some positive camber added to the top of this turn. All of this is happening while your bike doesn the skip, jump, waltz and tango under you because of the patches.

Turn 4 (flat 90 degree right hander) not a bad turn, not really any run off, but no different then the second 88 going CW. Again though, I dont know if it was oil spilled eariler or if it was the line I was taking or what, but at one point in the turn it felt as though there was a small depression that when your wheel hit it would want to spin and slide.

Turn 3 (under the railroad bridge ~115 degree right hander coming up hill slightly into the turn, then then down hill after the turn causing a blind exit) A FUN FUN FUN turn. It felt a little odd the first few times (and I ran PRETTY wide a few times) once I felt comfortable in where to enter/exit the turn it was something that just felt pretty good. There are a lot of patches entering the turn, however nothing that seemed to upset the bike if you came into it well.

Turns 1/2 (I am not really certain which ones they really were, I guess they were more of a little chicane than turns) nothing to worry about, they felt fine.

Pit space. This might be a bit of a problem for the MRA. If they pull down the stands, and allow people to park behind the wall on the straight after turn 9 it might be ok. It would be tight, but it would be doable. It would require (in my opinion) someone directing traffic for people to park. I do not know where spectators could park.

Overall the track right now is poor - mediocre, but has the potential to be an AMAZING track. Turns 5 and 9 are going to be the biggest problems if we race this next year. With little fixes it could be one awesome place to race.