So I bought a 7" round headlight from when I made my bike naked. The only problem is that it is a crappy headlight...the casing was made of cheap plastic. I was riding home from the observatory one night (late and very cold, around freezing to be exact) and hit a pot hole. Next thing I heard was a loud pop, and my headlight went out of alignment.

I checked it out the next morning, and the mounting holes on both sides have cracked and lost plastic around where the bolt enters to mount the headlight. I've tried contacting the company but they are not returning my emails or my phone calls (every time I call I get sent to voicemail first). So I'm just going to accept my $60 loss and move on. While the headlight still works and is being held on, it goes out of alignment quite often and I have to hit it to get it to point straight. It just needs to be replaced with a metal, more durable headlight/bucket.

Does anyone have any suggestions of stores (online) to get a replacement headlight from? I've found that has one that should work, but I want options. I think the headlight off a 1999 Ducati Monster would work, but the only one on ebay only comes with the bucket, no lens/guts.