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Thread: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

  1. #1
    Right-Wing Nut-Job DavidofColorado's Avatar
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    The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Here is a piece from their 2008 Democratic National Platform here in Denver...

    "We recognize that the right to bear arms is an important part of the American tradition, and we will preserve Americans’ Second Amendment right to own and use firearms. We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation, but we know that what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne. We can work together to enact and enforce commonsense laws and improvements – like closing the gun show loophole, improving our background check system, and reinstating the assault weapons ban, so that guns do not fall into the hands of terrorists or criminals. Acting responsibly and with respect for differing views on this issue, we can both protect the constitutional right to bear arms and keep our communities and our children safe."

    Cite to read it yourself

    If you like your guns and would like to keep them this is something that you should look at because they will not stop legislating against them until they are all gone. Don't loose the momentum that we have gained by voting for the wrong candidate.

    Liberal BS aside no one should take your rights away from you for any reason. Until the DNC gets it they will never get my vote again.
    "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." Thomas Jefferson

  2. #2
    Member schwagman's Avatar
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    Angry Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    They'll get my guns/precious when they pry them from my cold dead corpse!!!!!!!!!

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  3. #3
    Member zetaetatheta's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Damn wish I had known that before I voted for Obama.

  4. #4
    Gold Member Yearly Supporter mtnairlover's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidofDenver View Post

    "We recognize that the right to bear arms is an important part of the American tradition, and we will preserve Americans’ Second Amendment right to own and use firearms. We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation, but we know that what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne. We can work together to enact and enforce commonsense laws and improvements – like closing the gun show loophole, improving our background check system, and reinstating the assault weapons ban, so that guns do not fall into the hands of terrorists or criminals. Acting responsibly and with respect for differing views on this issue, we can both protect the constitutional right to bear arms and keep our communities and our children safe."
    I'm confused David. What part of that statement says the Dems want to take away your guns?
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  5. #5
    Senior Member TFOGGuys's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by mtnairlover View Post
    I'm confused David. What part of that statement says the Dems want to take away your guns?
    Chicago has a complete handgun ban, and Illinois is one of 2 states that deny citizens the right to concealed carry. This is the environment that Obama is accustomed to. Additionally, the Dems have a long history of trying to institute draconian controls on the 2nd amendment. (Pelosi, Clinton, Schumer, et al.).
    Thanks, Jim
    TFOG Wheelsports, LLC

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  6. #6
    Member zetaetatheta's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by TFOGGuys View Post
    Chicago has a complete handgun ban, and Illinois is one of 2 states that deny citizens the right to concealed carry. This is the environment that Obama is accustomed to. Additionally, the Dems have a long history of trying to institute draconian controls on the 2nd amendment. (Pelosi, Clinton, Schumer, et al.).
    Exactly what did Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, et al. do to curtail your right to bear arms? It is my understanding one person cannot change the constitution of the united states. I always understood it to go something like this: to pass an amemdment you must first gain the support of 2 out of 3 members of Congress and then 3/5ths of the state legislatures. Sounds like more right wing fear mongering, because they have no real issues to run on. Just hate and fear. Nothing but sour grapes.

  7. #7
    Senior Member PhL0aTeR's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by zetaetatheta View Post
    Exactly what did Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, et al. do to curtail your right to bear arms?
    clinton signed the brady bill, not a total ban but an infringement on the right to bear arms

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  8. #8
    Right-Wing Nut-Job DavidofColorado's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by mtnairlover View Post
    I'm confused David. What part of that statement says the Dems want to take away your guns?
    Its just a lie. They can't remove the second amendment from the constitution like zeta said. But they sure can regulate it out of existance or the point where its so expensive and there is so much red tape that it might as well be banned for all the good it would do to try and enjoy it.

    Just like boiling a frog it will jump out if you throw it in a pot of boiling water (full removal of the second amendment) but if you place the frog in the water and heat it slowly he will not try to leave and might enjoy it until it is boiled. (Slow erosion of the second amendment thru legislation and taxes).
    "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidofDenver View Post
    Here is a piece from their 2008 Democratic National Platform here in Denver...

    "We recognize that the right to bear arms is an important part of the American tradition, and we will preserve Americans’ Second Amendment right to own and use firearms. We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation, but we know that what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne. We can work together to enact and enforce commonsense laws and improvements – like closing the gun show loophole, improving our background check system, and reinstating the assault weapons ban, so that guns do not fall into the hands of terrorists or criminals. Acting responsibly and with respect for differing views on this issue, we can both protect the constitutional right to bear arms and keep our communities and our children safe."
    Quote Originally Posted by mtnairlover View Post
    I'm confused David. What part of that statement says the Dems want to take away your guns?
    Those parts Cathy...

    There is no gun show loophole, as they like to holler about. Fact is, if you're an FFL or Dealer and sell any weapon at a gun show, you are required by Federal Law to run a background check. What the gun-grabbers aren't telling you is that the "Private Sales" are not subject to run background checks(In many states). So they believe this is the so-called "Gun Show Loophole".

    In Colorado for instance, you are not required to run a background check for a "private sale". Only Dealers and FFL holders need run background checks. Many other states have our same law.

    Which brings me to another point about background checks. In many states the regular wait time for a gun purchase is 3 to 15 days(depending on the state)for background checks(I mean how long do you need to run someone's info, if it's all on computer??). Colorado and a few other states don't require waiting periods(As in DAYS). In Colorado the average wait time for your background check is 20 minutes. Once they run you through you're local Sheriff and CBI check, you're good to go. If Colorado and other states can get it done within an Hour, why can't other states do it as well? Reason?? they want to stall your purchase(as if they think you'll get bored and forget about it) and nothing more.

    Lastly, the Assault Weapons Ban. Which is BS and a total infringement upon the Second Amendment. Most of the ignorant gun-grabbing politicians are too stupid to differentiate what an Assault Weapon really is. They believe it's anything "Black" or semi-auto. Assault weapons are primarily full auto weapons or incendiary shooting weapons.

    However, in Colorado if I obtain my proper paperwork(Form 4, FFL if I choose to become a licensed dealer, it helps with getting the paperwork and any other forms I need), I can then legally purchase and own a "Full Automatic Weapon". It is however registered to your "County" and county alone. You must inform your local sheriff if you are going to transport the weapon outside your county. However, I can legally own full automatic weapons.. And I should be allowed to, just as anyone else who has a clean background.

    That's the part where Dem's want to ban weapons. They think automatic weapons belong on the battlefield or in the military. I believe they fall under the Second Amendment and should be protected thereof. Obviously everything the military has the average citizen can't. Tanks, C4, missles and bombs. However, that's ordinance and explosives(something that does require a soft hand to operate).

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  10. #10
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by zetaetatheta View Post
    Damn wish I had known that before I voted for Obama.
    Yeah you probably shouldn't have.

    Quote Originally Posted by zetaetatheta View Post
    Exactly what did Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, et al. do to curtail your right to bear arms? It is my understanding one person cannot change the constitution of the united states. I always understood it to go something like this: to pass an amemdment you must first gain the support of 2 out of 3 members of Congress and then 3/5ths of the state legislatures. Sounds like more right wing fear mongering, because they have no real issues to run on. Just hate and fear. Nothing but sour grapes.
    And here's why:


    Is the real Barack Obama the man who said:

    "I believe the Second Amendment means something. . . . There is an individual right to bear arms."— Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Feb. 16. 2008 (

    Or is it the man who voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearms industry to continue?

    Is the real Barack Obama the man who said:

    "I am a strong believer of the Second Amendment," he said. "Nobody's going to take the guns of law-abiding Virginians away from them." Richmond Time Dispatch, Aug, 22, 2008 (

    Or is it the man who has called for the renewal of the failed Clinton gun ban? Illinois Senate Debate #3: Barack Obama vs. Alan Keyes ( and Oct 21, 2004.

    Is the real Barack Obama the man who said:

    "I have always believed that the Second Amendment protects the right of individuals to bear arms,"

    Or is it the man who has said he categorically opposes your right to carry for self-defense?

    Is the real Barack Obama the man who said:

    “I also identify with the need for crime-ravaged communities to save their children from the violence that plagues our streets through common-sense, effective safety measures.

    Or is it the man who believes that “what works” in Chicago is a complete ban on handgun ownership?
    Is the real Barack Obama the man who said:

    "There is an individual right to bear arms. But it is subject to common sense regulation."—Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Online, 2/15/08

    Or is it the man who includes as “sensible regulation” prosecuting people who use a handgun in their own home in self-defense?

    Is the real Barack Obama the man about which Gov. Schweitzer of Montana said:

    “He ain't going to take your gun away. He ain't ever going to take your gun away.” Missoulian, August 13, 2008 (

    Or is it the man who endorsed a complete ban on handguns?‑ Independent Voters of Illinois/Independent Precinct Organization general candidate questionnaire, Sept. 9, 1996. The responses on this survey were described in “Obama had greater role on liberal survey,” Politico, March 31, 2008. (

    And there is more. This is the real Barack Obama:

    "I’m consistently on record and will continue to be on record as opposing concealed carry."
    Chicago Tribune, 4/27/04

    "I think it’s a scandal that this president (Bush) did not authorize a renewal of the assault weapons ban."
    Illinois Senate Debate #3: Barack Obama vs. Alan Keyes, 10/21/04

    "I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities and that our leaders must say so in the face of the gun manufacturers lobby."
    The Audacity of Hope, by Barack Obama, 2006

    "I think we have two conflicting traditions in this country." (gun ownership and restrictions on guns)
    Politico, 2/11/08

    "I think that local jurisdictions have the capability to institute their own gun laws.", 2/15/08

    "There was a discussion today about a law that has just passed in California that allows micro-tracing of bullets that have been discharged in a crime so that they can immediately be traced," he said. "This is something that California has passed over the strong objections of the NRA…That's the kind of common sense gun law that gun owners as well as victims of gun violence can get behind."
    Baltimore Feb. 15, 2008

    Q: When you were in the state senate, you talked about licensing and registering gun owners. Would you do that as president?
    A: I don't think that we can get that done.<---he later has gone on to say, due to not having enough votes in both houses to accomplish this.
    2008 Democratic debate in Las Vegas Jan 15, 2008
    Last edited by The Black Knight; Sun Oct 26th, 2008 at 06:03 PM.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  11. #11
    Member zetaetatheta's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    Those parts Cathy...

    That's the part where Dem's want to ban weapons. They think automatic weapons belong on the battlefield or in the military. I believe they fall under the Second Amendment and should be protected thereof. Obviously everything the military has the average citizen can't. Tanks, C4, missles and bombs. However, that's ordinance and explosives(something that does require a soft hand to operate).
    Why shouldn't we be able to have missiles, C4, bombs? I see no difference in them and fully automatic firearms. They are all intended to kill humans, lots of them. I can't understand for the life of me why the right doesn't want a woman to have the right to take a fetus (not child nor human) from her own body, but is all for weapons used to kill air breathing out of the womb human beings. Praise Jesus and pass the ammo!

  12. #12
    Senior Member RyNo24's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by zetaetatheta View Post
    Damn wish I had known that before I voted for Obama.
    I think Obama is pushing early voting so much, because he knows the Kool-aid is starting to ware off...
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  13. #13
    Gold Member Yearly Supporter mtnairlover's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns... question has not been answered. How do you get, "They're gonna take away our guns!" out of "preserving 2nd amendment rights."?

    Do you guys still have your guns?

    Have you ever not been able to own guns?

    Now, for some more details...

    How do you define the word "loophole"? In your words, a private seller can go to a gun show and sell guns without requiring a background check. That, to me, is a loophole to getting around the background-check requirement.

    Gun violence is so bad in some parts of our country that even the police strongly advocate for gun control.

    "The International Association of Chiefs of Police issued a report Wednesday that calls for stronger gun laws and urges law enforcement agencies to better educate the public about gun violence and to form more partnerships with public health officials in preventing firearms-related deaths."

    "Gun Control" is not "taking away our precious guns!" It's "hopefully" keeping guns out of the hands of people who mean harm. It may not thwart every bad person, but some people believe in better checks on who should be allowed to own a gun. Unless you all have a history of violence...or maybe you're all a bunch'o nutballs in disguise...or maybe, you're all terrorists? I didn't think so. So, stop your whining, you will not lose your precious guns, dammit!!!

    And sorry about the argument that Dems are "slowly gonna erode the 2nd amendment right"...I have an answer to that as well, but none of you will like I'll stop here. One thing that I will say that has to do with that argument...I do not believe you will ever lose your rights to own a gun. It just won't happen. It's part of what makes America. But...big BUTT...I do not believe in leaving gun selling completely unchecked. Just like so many other things in life, scrutiny is well-placed in this instance.
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  14. #14
    Member zetaetatheta's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by RyNo24 View Post
    I think Obama is pushing early voting so much, because he knows the Kool-aid is starting to ware off...
    Wishful thinking on your part. Americans are fed up with the bullshit we have been fed under the Bush administration. I'm 53 years old and Republicans have never done anything that has ever helped me as a middle class American. Don't push tax cuts on me because someone will have to pay one day, my children, their children and on and on. Nothing
    for the middle class, everything for the wealthy. Dems may push welfare for the poor, but Reps push welfare for corporations. Let them eat cake. BTW if the Brady bill was so bad, why didn't Bush when he had the house and senate repeal it? As far as that goes why didn't they drill offshore? Because the Bush's are in the sack with the Saudi's (the real perps of 911) and will take it up the ass from them because they profit on the backs of the middle class. So keep believing in fairy tales and that McCain and his ignorant bitch are what the majority of Americans want. I believe the republicans have pulled the three card monty trick on us to many times and not only will McCain lose he will have fractured your beloved party to a point they will never see power again, especially if they put that imbecile Palin at the top of their ticket. Change is coming brother....whether you like it or not!

  15. #15
    Right-Wing Nut-Job DavidofColorado's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by zetaetatheta View Post
    Why shouldn't we be able to have missiles, C4, bombs? I see no difference in them and fully automatic firearms. They are all intended to kill humans, lots of them. I can't understand for the life of me why the right doesn't want a woman to have the right to take a fetus (not child nor human) from her own body, but is all for weapons used to kill air breathing out of the womb human beings. Praise Jesus and pass the ammo!
    I think we should. Back when the second amendment was written common folks (if well financed) could have cannons and war ships for the defense of their own county. But we aren't talking about the natural evolution of those weapons we are talking about the double standard of banning a gun based on how it looks like the Assault Weapons Ban does from the group that complains about discrimination (real of made up) because of a persons skin color.
    But all their pro second amendment smoke aside their real goal hasn't changed. They still want to ban them all.

    "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the senate, Mr. and Mrs. America turn them all in, I would have..." Dianna Feinstein D. Senator and gun grabber extraordinaire.

    The Brady bill made me spend way to much money on a lawyer to have my good name removed from some jackhole with the same name. Its not an answer to a problem just a new hurdle to over come and it goes nicely with the theory that they want to ban them all. But its a complete opposite of their line about protecting the second amendment. BTW the Brady Bunch has endorsed Obama for President. Unless you are wishfully thinking that it won't happen or are indefferent to it as long as you get "The One" I think that you need to look at what they are doing and not what they are saying.

    Actions speak louder than words.
    Last edited by DavidofColorado; Sun Oct 26th, 2008 at 06:46 PM. Reason: Spite.
    "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." Thomas Jefferson

  16. #16
    Right-Wing Nut-Job DavidofColorado's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by RyNo24 View Post
    I think Obama is pushing early voting so much, because he knows the Kool-aid is starting to ware off...
    True and with all the fraud out there that is going on for him he probably wants everyone to get more than one vote in.

    But I hear that Mrs. Obama has a video out about hating whitty. That will get leaked before the election and won't look good if you happen to be white.
    "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." Thomas Jefferson

  17. #17
    Member zetaetatheta's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidofDenver View Post
    I think we should. Back when the second amendment was written common folks (if well financed) could have cannons and war ships for the defense of their own county. But we aren't talking about the natural evolution of those weapons we are talking about the double standard of banning a gun based on how it looks like the Assault Weapons Ban does from the group that complains about discrimination (real of made up) because of a persons skin color.
    But all their pro second amendment smoke aside their real goal hasn't changed. They still want to ban them all.

    "Mr. and Mrs. America turn them all in, I would have..." Dianna Feinstein D. Senator and gun grabber extraordinaire.
    The Obama administation will not appeal the 2nd amendment...and anyone that thinks they will, should go to Oregon and bunker up in a hole with the other right wing nuts up there. Oh, be sure to take your bible.

  18. #18
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by zetaetatheta View Post
    Why shouldn't we be able to have missiles, C4, bombs? I see no difference in them and fully automatic firearms. They are all intended to kill humans, lots of them. I can't understand for the life of me why the right doesn't want a woman to have the right to take a fetus (not child nor human) from her own body, but is all for weapons used to kill air breathing out of the womb human beings. Praise Jesus and pass the ammo!
    Ohhhhhh!! I see, so since I'm Christian I'm not allowed to partake in my countries own Bill of Rights. I guess, enjoying weapons for recreational use and using them as self-defense isn't an option for a Christian.

    So by your reasoning, I'm not entitled to my First Amendment either(yeah freedom of speech is overrated and totally not something for Christians to partake in). Guess I can't exercise my Fourth Amendment and just let the government ransack my house and rummage through my vehicle. Guess I can't use the Fifth and Sixth Amendments either to not have to testify against myself, nor have due process or have a speedy trial by my peers.

    Shall I keep going??

    I seems you think that I'm not entitled to any of my Bill of Rights that were guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States of America. I guess that is a typical democratic elitist point of view... "Do as we say, not as we do, because what's good for us isn't good for you."

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  19. #19
    Right-Wing Nut-Job DavidofColorado's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by zetaetatheta View Post
    Wishful thinking on your part. Americans are fed up with the bullshit we have been fed under the Bush administration. I'm 53 years old and Republicans have never done anything that has ever helped me as a middle class American. Don't push tax cuts on me because someone will have to pay one day, my children, their children and on and on. Nothing
    for the middle class, everything for the wealthy. Dems may push welfare for the poor, but Reps push welfare for corporations. Let them eat cake. BTW if the Brady bill was so bad, why didn't Bush when he had the house and senate repeal it? As far as that goes why didn't they drill offshore? Because the Bush's are in the sack with the Saudi's (the real perps of 911) and will take it up the ass from them because they profit on the backs of the middle class. So keep believing in fairy tales and that McCain and his ignorant bitch are what the majority of Americans want. I believe the republicans have pulled the three card monty trick on us to many times and not only will McCain lose he will have fractured your beloved party to a point they will never see power again, especially if they put that imbecile Palin at the top of their ticket. Change is coming brother....whether you like it or not!
    Why do you talk like you are speaking for more people than yourself? Is that some variable absolute liberal bias that I am senseing there?
    "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." Thomas Jefferson

  20. #20

    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Zeta, I'm trying to figure out why you're so angry all the time. Now really, what have Christians ever done to you? I don't think guns are your issue.
    Geez, lighten up and give a rational argument!

  21. #21
    Right-Wing Nut-Job DavidofColorado's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by zetaetatheta View Post
    The Obama administation will not appeal the 2nd amendment...
    No shit Sherlock. I think we discussed that earlier. And I don't think that he is actively planning that either. HE WILL, however, be plotting on how to make it harder for the average American to enjoy his rights. While using the smoke screen of criminals using the guns as the reason to get it passed.
    and anyone that thinks they will, should go to Oregon and bunker up in a hole with the other right wing nuts up there. Oh, be sure to take your bible.
    Where are you going to hide when McCain and the MILF Palin get elected? Are you going to Canaduh with the Baldwins or going to San Fransisco to baricade yourself in a bathhouse like all the other liberal retards?
    Don't forget your lube.
    "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." Thomas Jefferson

  22. #22
    Member zetaetatheta's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidofDenver View Post
    Why do you talk like you are speaking for more people than yourself? Is that some variable absolute liberal bias that I am senseing there?
    I am, mainly because I read and I believe in polls, just as McCain did when he was 1 point up a month ago--but we will see Nov 4th. I admit McCain has one last shot, he can get on his knees and beg folks to vote for him, he's groveled and pandered so much it shouldn't be to hard for him to do.

  23. #23
    Right-Wing Nut-Job DavidofColorado's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by Pandora-11 View Post
    Zeta, I'm trying to figure out why you're so angry all the time. Now really, what have Christians ever done to you? I don't think guns are your issue.
    Geez, lighten up and give a rational argument!
    He said that nobody is going to take his guns. (like he has any) so we should vote for someone that wants to take them. Arguing rationally is such a mine field for him.
    "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." Thomas Jefferson

  24. #24
    Member zetaetatheta's Avatar
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    Re: The Democrats have ever intention of taking our guns...

    Quote Originally Posted by Pandora-11 View Post
    Zeta, I'm trying to figure out why you're so angry all the time. Now really, what have Christians ever done to you? I don't think guns are your issue.
    Geez, lighten up and give a rational argument!
    Not angry at all, really quite happy Bush is leaving very soon. Just never could understand so called Christians wanting to kill and breed hatred for those with differing views, ie. liberals. Guess I interpreted Jesus' teachings differently than Focus on the Family and their ilk.

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    Last Post: Thu Apr 20th, 2006, 02:36 PM

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