Hoopty called with the news as I was safety wiring my bike this afternoon.

I'm still in shock.

Jessica first got in touch with me through the CSC just after she'd started riding. She emailed me asking for advice and pointers. She was always asking questions, always eager to learn.

She came to my birthday bash last year. Until the last Ladies' Night I hadn't seen her, although we'd exchanged a lot of banter via the message boards.

Man, I was just showing her lines at SCR less than two weeks ago. She was doing great. She was so excited, when we took a break she was almost speechless; she just stood there grinning from ear to ear for a while and then jumped back on the bike for more Marilou just about had to drag her off the track to ride home

RIP, Jess.

Ride safe everyone, but live life to it's fullest. You never know when it might end.

I just spoke to Barbara; she remembers Jess as the really funny girl at my birthday party last year. She sends her condolences.