Its OK for republicans to rant, rave and HATE. But if you call them out on it, like I have, they attack you in droves, still under the delusion of power they once had and threw away under the horrible direction of bush and the ultra right wingers and evangelicals.

I called them out, I spoke the complete truth and none of the Parrot Republican Lies, their head collectively exploded! BOOM! splat!! Brain matter everywhere, or lack thereof.

wah wah wah. Cry baby cry. You cannot admit defeat, you cannot acknowledge the FAILURE of your party. How can you regroup with new strategies of success when you cannot admit to or identify the failures of your party and how it wronged the nation and the world.

Did you guy win in th elections? No.

Be fortunate that the last few seats you were able to hold on to in order to hold Filibusters. When the next elections roll around, you won't be able to hold on to those seats.

I am sure Karl Rove antics will no longer be welcomed. People are tired of LIES AND DECEIT.

Bush has the lowest approval rating of any president in history, there is a reason for that, its called FAILURE.

The evidence is there, Bush Election Fraud, Bush knowingly used bad intelligence. Its all there. Yet he keeps telling the same lies and tries to blame the CIA.

The WAR on the middleclass began when bush took office.

Ask yourself, Are you better off now when bush was president?

or were you better off when Clinton was president?

No question about it, under Clinton the ecnonomy was strong, there was NO debt.

Bush ignored Clintons warning about bin laden. Proof is there.

So get over the failure of the republican party, and think about SMARTER politics. Yours failed.