Quote Originally Posted by jimwallace View Post
i almost always hate tramp stamps cause it is usually a sign of a trend follower...i hate trend followers.......here i go rambling......

where else on a persons body could you put a tatoo that some doesn't already have one? over the chest? nope, taken, on the shoulders? naw, someone beat me to it, oooh! on my calf! fawk, someone already has a tat there too. back of the neck? no... wrist? no... how about on the vajaya lips? no, some freak probably has that too.

i don't think placement/location would indicate a trendsetter but more the design. most people get koi, dragons, tribal, asian lettering/writing, etc just because it looks cool, but there is almost never a reason or story behind it and that is what would bug me more so than placement.

wyck, cool tat for sure. I was going to get a cherry blossom tree up my side a couple years back. cherry blossoms remind me of when we lived in japan, loved it out there and wish i could visit again.