Quote Originally Posted by navajowalks View Post
i got some wood crafts fool. a) if it happens again and it will, i can just replace the bar. and there is and extra one in my tool box. that means no week down time this summer. b) they're 7degree and fliped sitting perfectly. even adjusted the bars them selves in so there shorter. glues drying on the glue as we speak. Hopefully UPS comes tomarrow with the rest of the parts. cause i want to put my subcage back on.. i'm also trying to get off work early tomarrow...

oh yeah c) i have stock 04 clip ons for spares.....
that's right i forgot you got those woodcraft ones.

Quote Originally Posted by GSXR Girl View Post
oh. SRAD has the life right now.
no job, rides whoolies all day. how can it get better than that?
and he doesn't have to clean or cook!!
life is UH mazing right now. lol.

I need to learn whoolies on a dirt bike too! someone hook me up.
not you SRAD!! i don't want a supermoto thats supertall. lol.

and the RR, i love it!!! Honda's are way better =]
is there some sarcasm in that?