Okay Ladies and Gentlemen...

I've downloaded...
I've looked...
I've parsed through some 290-something pics... and selected 175 to post up...

BUT... because that would be 20+mb of space at about 800x600 per pic...
Bertha has generously donated some index'd server space for me to use to post up the array of images.

No thumbnails... no titles... this is old school raw image names...


IF you happen to like any particular picture posted... let me know... I still have them in their original full 8.2 megapixel format. That's roughly 3900x2800 at about 3.8-4.5MB per pic.

Anyway... just give me the pic number(s) you want (PM me the requests please) and we'll figure something out.

ALSO - if you see a pic you like but would like it isolated, cropped, whatever we can work on that.

Enjoy... this should be a nice time waster for you!
