lol, what! I RIDE A YAMI DAMNIT!!! i dont know what those suckzuki's are, pfffff... love me i'm cute!

lindsay the two times i dropped my bike were pretty much the same way as you did. well, haha, the first time was right infront of marauder (who i bought it from) then (and i tell this so that the record is straight!) he dumped it in the garage infront of me

second time i pulled up to my dads house on a hill, pulled in abit too close to the curb to be off centered but not close enough to actually beable to put my right foot on the curb and when i tried to put the kickstand down the bike tipped over to the right, my foot slipped and all 400 pounds landed on my right leg.

my dad had to help me get the bike up, but i'm guessing that if you are on your own then pushing may be easier than pulling..... that's my assumption, both times i thankfully, was not by myself so i didn't have to test that theory on my own.