Was to cool to see you out there Hoop. Dude I didn't even know you crashed the SV until today. Alex told me something about it but I thought he meant you went off track.

Kickass job in lightweight endurance dude. All that on a more or less stock SV with a license plate on the back.

On Sunday when you came by and gave me the bird my corner chief guy thought you were flippin him off. He was just about to get bent outta shape when I informed him of the real recipient of the salute.

Anyways, good job dude. Was to bad about the crash but atleast it wasn't real bad and you walked away. Oh and when you came through my corner and I heard a bike go down I didn't even look and I had a feeling it was you.

Next race at SCR you get to race instead of flaggin for you i'll be passin you down the front straight.
