Quote Originally Posted by vort3xr6 View Post
No joke, my wife went through the line about 4 places ahead of me a few months ago. She went through and the TSA fucker in front of me turns to his buddy and says "I'd like to see her in the scanner".

I nearly fucking lost it and killed the guy with my bare hands. But I filed a complaint instead.
This is fucked up Brad!! I would have strangled him with his rubber gloves and then complained about it. Sorry to hear..

How is the TSA going to "Scan" their own employees for dickheads like this. They can't. That's what makes this kind of screening wrong. Maybe they can have lesbos grope the guys and gay dudes with the women. lol

Seriously, if they are doing this to kids and getting away with it then what's next? You have this happening at the front doors of troubled schools? If a teacher touched a kid like that they would be tried for sexual harassment.

There has to be a better way to scan people. Maybe a initial scan for body size and then a thorough scan that depects anything abnormal from what the body size should be and then raise a red flag and have someone look at it with permission. I dunno, something but this is gonna get some TSA KO's if it keeps up I think.

scan on scannas