Quote Originally Posted by drago52 View Post
what's the optimal learning speed to slip the clutch in first gear? I've got +2 on the rear. also is it better to accelerate prior to slipping the clutch, or just to cruise at a constant speed, pull in the clutch, open the throttle, then slip it out?
As slow as you feel comfortable... it can be easier to ride em faster with speed, but where on the streets with traffic.... not as safe as in a parking lot at a controlable speed... I would recommend a constant speed for sure trying to keep everything as constant as possible so when you get the hang of what works its easier to keep that in your muscle memory... the clutch and gas is a timing issue and only seat time can teach that... wear your gear,
Quote Originally Posted by vort3xr6 View Post
I would stay start at around 25 mph. Work on just getting the wheel barely off the ground and riding it out. Don't float your valves by hitting your rev limiter. Just practice getting the wheel up a little bit at a time. Warning: you will definitely look like a squid doing it, but thats how to practice.

Don't just cover the rear brake. USE IT. Practice bringing the wheel up and gently hitting the rear brake while keeping on the throttle to bring the wheel down. The rear brake is the only thing that will save your ass during a loopout.
@25 he's already going pretty fast for first gear.... chasing the wheelie "riding it out" will put him over 45-50 mph pretty quick and that's not nessarily a safe way to learn... not saying that's not how people get started but be careful.... the faster you start the wheelie the faster your going to put it down or worse case wreck...

At the beginning of learning using the brake is easier said than done.... remeber if you are using the rear brake the bike will go down rather than up.... if your not high enough and "gently" using the brake you will have to give it more gas to keep it up.... so now were going to fast and using more gas how am I supposed to keep it out of the rev limiter? Lol

Wheelies 101 not high enough add gas, too high add brake...

I said cover the rear brake cause every person I've seen come out to the lot and want to try and wheelie have there right foot sticking out away from the brake.. its a good habit to start covering the brake all the time