I did it while I lived in Japan, where it's fully expected, where there are extra areas at red lights where bikes can pull up to be in front of cars (basically there's a crosswalk, space for bikes, then cars stop behind another line) and the culture of driving is one of privilege and drivers are far more alert, far more aware of bikes, better trained, and generally courteous. I never was afraid to lane spit, even when I went from Kyoto to Sapporo by bike (and train and ferry).

When I visited my friends in Cali, they'd lane split and I have never felt more UNsafe in my life.

Yes, the state allows it, but the cagers don't seem aware of that fact, nor do they care.

Riding in a car's blindspot for 85% of the time you're splitting lanes seems like a great way to get splattered when some asshole jumps lanes without looking, when they lane-wander since they're texting and not paying attention, or whenever anyone makes a mistake.

I think it should be legal to pull ahead at redlights like in Japan, and I think running the left shoulder shouldn't be illegal if there's a jam, but I can't see going down the middle of two rows of inattentive idiots who can kill me without ever knowing I was there...