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Thread: Mr. Hansen, would you have a seat?

  1. #25
    Senior Member modette99's Avatar
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    Re: Mr. Hansen, would you have a seat?

    Quote Originally Posted by laspariahs View Post
    Did you know that most of the people he "caught" had their cases thrown out of court for lack of evidence? Also what he did is entrapment, which is illegal. Look, I'm no fan of pedophiles, at all, but I am a fan of doing what's right. Every american citizen has rights, and they all need to be respected, no matter what someone is alleged of doing, lets not forget that EVERYONE is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by their peers, and everyone should be treated as such.

    As for what he did not being wrong, he cheated on his wife, that is wrong. Pretty sad that someone can't see that.
    I totally agree.

    I always wanted them to do the reverse, go after the horny 13 year old that is begging to get rammed and confront her/his parents and be like here is the chat log are you going to act like parents now and see what they do on the computer? The notion that its just the older guys wanting sex is a false notion....plenty of teens wanting to have sex too and not be forced.

    I always found the people just showing up, were showing up...who knows what would happen, if anything!!! I mean after all chats can be total lies, I remember my chat days...chicks saying they were athletic and hot, you go to meet them and they are 350lbs and not hot at all....ages are typically lied about. Hell I dated a girl when I was at University, she claimed to be 18 (obviously she was a local from the town) and her age I found out after meeting her mother & step father (who never mentioned) turned out to be 16 (just turned too). And no she could pass as a 18 year old, which she did...even people in my dorm thought she was older when she came and visited...she just claimed she had no drivers license which was believable because they were pretty poor so one could believe that.

    So hard to blame some young guy (20's) showing up not knowing what they will encounter...was the chat 100% BS, was it fantasy as most chats can be or is it reality... curious minds want to sometimes know and thus is why they show up. The older guys in their 40's are indeed the creeper one on that show...but they have lots on the younger dudes and even some so close to the age who cares.

  2. #26
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Mr. Hansen, would you have a seat?

    Quote Originally Posted by laspariahs View Post
    It's not wrong to bring people to justice. What he did isn't justice. I would put every pedophile in jail if I could, for as long as I could, I wouldn't do what he did to even a serial killer. Do we want justice or vengeance?

    Did you know that most of the people he "caught" had their cases thrown out of court for lack of evidence? Also what he did is entrapment, which is illegal. Look, I'm no fan of pedophiles, at all, but I am a fan of doing what's right. Every american citizen has rights, and they all need to be respected, no matter what someone is alleged of doing, lets not forget that EVERYONE is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by their peers, and everyone should be treated as such.

    As for what he did not being wrong, he cheated on his wife, that is wrong. Pretty sad that someone can't see that.
    Well I'm going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I'm not saying what he did was pure justice but I can't say it's vengeance either. He worked along side a "watch dog" group, and also worked with local law enforcement agencies. Granted the first couple of TCAP's were just him at the group doing busts. However, I think by the 3rd or 4th time they did it, they were accompanied by LEO's.

    So are you going to say then that the sheriff's departments were committing "Entrapment" as well??

    Look no one held a gun up to these guy's head's and made them come over to the house to get "entrapped". They came over to the house of their own volition. Some of them traveled from different states for the booty call with a minor. These guys are completely to blame and no one else.

    You can't blame Hansen, the Watch Dog group, or the LEO's because at the end of the day. These guys are the ones logging into chat rooms looking to find minors to have sex with, plain and simple. Again, nobody made them chat with a minor online. Nor made them show up in person either.

    Lastly, "innocent until proven guilty" all the way. I agree with you on that. However, when you drive 5 hours and show up at some random house, with a "supposed" minor inside. The intent is pretty clear. These guys aren't looking to be "a big brother" or "warn the girl about the dangers" or "come over cause they are lonely because they no game to get women their own age". No these guys are coming over with one thing in mind. And it's pretty tell tale, when they show up with condoms, booze and a change of cloths.

    Also, yeah I get that he cheated. It's wrong and I won't argue that. But it was with an adult woman and not illegal. Relations with a minor is. So I can see it, what he did was wrong. Though he ain't the first and won't be the last guy to cheat on their wife. Hey, at least he did it with an adult. Doesn't make it right, just makes it not a crime.

    Quote Originally Posted by modette99 View Post
    I totally agree.

    I always wanted them to do the reverse, go after the horny 13 year old that is begging to get rammed and confront her/his parents and be like here is the chat log are you going to act like parents now and see what they do on the computer? The notion that its just the older guys wanting sex is a false notion....plenty of teens wanting to have sex too and not be forced.

    I always found the people just showing up, were showing up...who knows what would happen, if anything!!! I mean after all chats can be total lies, I remember my chat days...chicks saying they were athletic and hot, you go to meet them and they are 350lbs and not hot at all....ages are typically lied about. Hell I dated a girl when I was at University, she claimed to be 18 (obviously she was a local from the town) and her age I found out after meeting her mother & step father (who never mentioned) turned out to be 16 (just turned too). And no she could pass as a 18 year old, which she did...even people in my dorm thought she was older when she came and visited...she just claimed she had no drivers license which was believable because they were pretty poor so one could believe that.

    So hard to blame some young guy (20's) showing up not knowing what they will encounter...was the chat 100% BS, was it fantasy as most chats can be or is it reality... curious minds want to sometimes know and thus is why they show up. The older guys in their 40's are indeed the creeper one on that show...but they have lots on the younger dudes and even some so close to the age who cares.
    I agree with your first paragraph, yes Parents should be more involved with their children. Yep parents are to blame as well.

    However, your second statement of guys showing up, just to show up?? Huh?? Really??

    I can tell you what would happen. These guys are showing up to do one thing and that's get their freak on. Yeah chats can be lies, however showing up in person, with rubbers, liquor, etc are not.

    But my question is this, why are they even chatting with minors?? And if they are chatting with them, why are the using such filthy language with a minor?? Yeah I know, you'll say well the "pretend minor" is egging them on. Yeah that might be, but I still revert back to my initial comment of, "well no one made them do it." They can immediately log off or when they find out the age of the person they are talking to, say "yeah, I'm not interested."

    Lastly, you can blame "20 something guy" just like you can blame "40 something guy". Both age groups are over 18, so they should stick to women over 18 years of age. Just because "20 something guy" is young, dumb and full of cum, doesn't give him a pass. He's still preying on a minor. AND yeah I get what you're saying, curious minds want to know, so they show up. They also get arrested, because they are breaking the law. That's what satisfied their curiosity, a pair of handcuffs and jail time.

    I can think of better ways to satisfy my curiosity of getting my freak on with a woman my age or older. I mean, am I the only one here that thinks pedo's are worst thing in the world??

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  3. #27
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    Re: Mr. Hansen, would you have a seat?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    I can think of better ways to satisfy my curiosity of getting my freak on with a woman my age or older. I mean, am I the only one here that thinks pedo's are worst thing in the world??
    Holy crap that was a lot to read but well said. Im in the boat that Pedophiles are the scum of the earth and as a father if i see any person so much as looking at my little girl in that manner they better be able to run faster than me!

  4. #28
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: Mr. Hansen, would you have a seat?

    Quote Originally Posted by grim View Post
    Holy crap that was a lot to read but well said. Im in the boat that Pedophiles are the scum of the earth and as a father if i see any person so much as looking at my little girl in that manner they better be able to run faster than me!
    Actually man, considering my past threads/posts that's pretty light reading coming from me.

    Like Snowman said in that other thread, he missed the 6 page debates between Vance and I. Look some of those up sometime, LOL!! they weren't debates, they were novels coming from both of us. Also I'm on a 22in screen now, and my posts look a lot smaller to me. So yeah they still may be lengthy to some.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  5. #29
    Senior Member modette99's Avatar
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    Re: Mr. Hansen, would you have a seat?

    20 should stick to 18 and above? I mean each state is different a lot of them are I guess that depends on your view point. Not sure why we don't have a national age...why is 16 in South Dakota in today's world different then Colorado? In reality it should not be.

    I have a different view because my Grandparents on one side had a huge age difference...LOL She was just a very young farm girl and he a 20 something year old. It worked for them, 7 children, never cheated that I know of or divorced. I have a cousin that dated a 13 year old when he was 18, they ended up marring and having 3 wonderful boys. *shrug*

    I'm not sure the age of consent is set at a realistic level. Even back in later times, you married when you started to be in puberty. Should it be 13, I have no clue...I think it depends on the people involved and their reasons. So no if my daughter says hey I have an 18 year old boyfriend and she is 13...I will want to meet that person and get a feel for them...I'm in no way reporting them nor my horny takes two and rape is a lot different then her already being on the look out for cock.

    I think too many people jump on the bandwagon that their HORNY child is somehow an angel. Of course is always viewed worst if its a girl that is 13 versus if its a boy 13 with an older many say "boy I wish I was him at 13"...very strange behavior from people then to want to lock up the guy for life when its a girl involved. Yet, many will still say "hair on the field play ball"....that expression has not died.

    I've had some messed up chats in my time. But at no time have I driven to meet some chick whatever age she is claiming...and until I meet you I have no idea what you say is true. Are you really 14 or are we role playing *shrug* After all there is no truth in chatting. Yahoo had some messed up chatrooms back in the any of you remember those? It was common to see "13 looking for older" or "Bestiality" or what have you. I always shrugged it off that most people in there were BS'ing about their age anyhow. I never took the internet seriously especially those chat rooms, heck its hard to judge by pictures too.

    I applaud the guys on the show bring condoms. I mean up till they meet the girl was it a total lie, did he even see the age she typed, did he figure it was BS and just hoping it be some women behind the door even if it turns out to be a 400 lbs sperm whale....especially some of the young guys on the show they are just hoping for something. Back when I was 20 I chatted with up to 20 people at a want me to remember details like age and what have you that I probably did not even see as it scrolled by as I was chatting with someone else in a different window? Difference is I never had the guts to meet anyone (pretty shy person) have the chats were total and utter BS. Just a way to kill time like FB is today or even this forum.

    If the guy is grabbing girls out of the park, they should be killed. If the girl is out looking for sex, sure blame the guy but look to your child too and maybe yourself and your parenting skills, not to mention sex being so openly talked about in our world today.

    Oh and by the way I've read stories on the show in the past that pretty much says they let them all go for the most part. Its not as clean cut as they make it out to be that they go to jail...there are reasons why they work in certain states (FL) being one of them. They have loose laws on this way of "catching" predators.

  6. #30
    Senior Member modette99's Avatar
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    Re: Mr. Hansen, would you have a seat?

    Look under "Click Here for Full Blotter Coverage"

    "That's why months after millions of Dateline viewers watched the arrests of the 23 suspects in Texas, the district attorney dismissed criminal charges against all of them. "Just because we hate what these guys do doesn't mean I get to break the rules," Roach told ABC News. "The rules are if evidence can't get these people convicted, then I can't bring a case against him."

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