Is it just me? Or is it the longer you've been riding the fewer stupid chances you take?

I've only been riding for 4 years now but the way that I ride today compared to the first year are totally different.

In year 1 I rode faster then today and took stupid chances - then I crashed with the only real injury being to my ego. A few other close calls along the way served as a reality check.

Now a days I'm pretty calm and content to be sweeping in the back when I'm with a group. I also just turned 30 a couple weeks ago.

I think there are a few factors that play into why people ride beyond their limits.

1) As Bueller mentioned. Modern sport bikes extend a rider's actual ability.
2) Herd mentality. I like riding with groups as much as anyone else but they can be deadly. You don't want to be "last" so you push yourself to keep up. You also tend to do more show boating. I see guys pop wheelies in traffic when they're in a group a lot more often then solo.
3) Delusions of grandeur. In reality we're all pretty much the same but everybody likes to think they're this unique snow flake. How many times have you said "Yeah, but that won't happen to me"?

A person will push the limit dozens, maybe even hundreds of times and get away with it. But sooner or later, no matter how small the probability, anything that can happen, eventually will given enough time.

On any given day that you are speeding you have a less then 1% chance of getting a speeding ticket. How many speeding tickets have you gotten?
