Quote Originally Posted by JustSomeDude View Post
WTF... are you nuts?! For my money it doesn't get any better than hearing Greg Creamer call Jorge Lorenzo, "Jorge LorenT-THO". Although the best may have been when he referred to Colin Edwards's team as the Monster Tech "Trois" team.

I still have a warm place in my heart for the commercial breaks cut in during the best over-taking moves.

And don't any of you clowns go spouting off about how LORENTHO is the correct "SPANISH PRONUNCIATION" unless you want an open-handed face slapped delivered by yours truly. That mentality is crap - since more than half of the English language is derived from foreign words, you could then (foolishly) argue that we're pronouncing our own language incorrectly.

I've seen him on tv pronounce his own name "Lorentho"

Still think it's annoying though. The brits are at least slightly entertaining