Wow, talk about a road built for motorbikes, the Devils Spine, aka route 40 from Durango Mx to Matzalan Mx, is now pushed to the top of my list. I thought route #16 from Hermosillo to Chijuahjua was great, this puts that one back one spot. It has right at 100miles of 2-3 gear twisties along what has to be the most scenic veiws in the world, at least where I have been.
It has been a couple interesting days for me. The day before last I threw my chain in the middle of Bumfuck and Egypt and had to make a temp repair of the chain, roadside. To make matters worse, it was getting dark as I tried to fix it. I installed a new masterlink, thank god it didn't break anymore that that, chainwise. It did take out the clutch pushrod and seal though. I stuffed some quicksteel around the rod and limped into Rodeo, Mx.
Spent the next day, yesterday, removing the rest of the broken rod, and plugging the hole with a peso. Yes, a peso and quicksteel. We then rode into Durango, Mx for the night with no clutch. We woke up this morning and did the Diablo Spine, in five hours, with no clutch. Out on the road its not so bad, but in town starting and stopping it's a bitch.
So here we are, chillin in Matzalan, waiting for parts to come from my lovely wife and Fedex to fix it. Thanks honey!
It's not an adventure if one stays in thier comfort zone, this has proven that. It could of been worse, it might of wrecked me, and I could be vulture food right now. One more of my nine lives spent, welll worth it now, after the road today and the ones around the Copper Canyon area we rode ealier in the week. Don't expect much the next few days, they will be spent in a drunken stuper.