Quote Originally Posted by CYCLE_MONKEY View Post
They were from Mississauga, near Toronto, and told me it was. Dunno about where you were. Almost all of the guys had never shot one before, and few had seen one not on a cop. They LOVED the shooting range. too bad I didn't have my buddy with the fully-legal fully-automatic Mac-10 (.45cal) with us. Hell, I just about soiled myself shooting that thing.
I'm being being a bit difficult on the semantic meaning of your statement. Yes, even though it is very difficult to obtain a Hand Gun Liscense in Ontario, it technically isn't illegal. The gun laws vary by Provence and Ontario is one of the strongest. Most of the people who own Hand Guns in Ontario have them registered for Sport purposes. Many do not even bother to apply for a HG because there is so much red tape.
There is a Toronto local Gun Club that in 2008 relocated their indoor shooting range from the downtown are (right by the CN tower and the Union Station) to the suburbs. Most people, (myself included) didn't even know it existed until they were closing it.
Sorry for going off topic. Just wanted to clarify the statement.