Quote Originally Posted by Clovis View Post
The Route

Saddle Sore 1,000 rules

1,000 miles in 24 hours. I've wanted to do one of these for a few years now so I started planning it last night.

I'm thinking Saturday June 2nd, 2012. 15 hours of day light and a full moon that night. A lot of riders are able to cover this in 18 hours but I have the route as all twistie roads so I'm expecting 20-21 hours.

I can run it solo but it would be nice to have a partner.


You may want to rethink this route and doing the mountians at night with the wildlife. There is no reason to handicap yourself before you start. If all you want is the piece of paper I suggest you ride to El Paso and back on I25. The IBA don't care how you get the miles, might as well make it as easy as possible.