Quote Originally Posted by Matty View Post
Are you really trying to be a principal to another member on this forum???

Wow, this site has changed..... if something offends you, don't read it.

Thankgod, no apology needed.
She may not have been the New Member Ambassador when you joined Matty, and I'll admit I've been seriously slacking in posting an announcement about it, considering she's been fulfilling that role for about a year and a half now... but ever since then, when a new member joins, they automatically get a PM from her welcoming them to the club, a brief explanation of the club dynamics, and instructions to contact her if they have any issues or questions.

There are a lot of things that go on, and have gone on, behind the scenes that many of you are unaware of, and if she isn't handling it herself, she's usually privy to it. So... even tho she may be a newb by your standards, or just because she's not one of the OG's, doesn't mean what she's doing should be discounted... by anyone.

In my 10 years running this club, a LOT has changed, and no one has ever stepped up and volunteered to do what she's doing, or to the extend that she's doing it. Granted, when the club was younger, there wasn't really a need for it, but over the last 4-5 years, the need has become more prevalent. Personally, I'm glad she's doing it, and am very appreciative of her efforts, because my work duties have drastically limited the number of hours that I can be online, or deal with club-related issues such as this.

With that said, I ask you to not jump down her throat or try and undermine her when she posts up trying to quell a situation.
