Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
If there is one sport where every form of medical enhancement should not only be allowed but encouraged it's the UFC.
See the only issue I have with that, is that then pretty much all UFC fighters would have to take the same stuff if they wanted to be competitive. Steriods do make that much of a difference!

Then eventaully some idiot would ruin it and go way overboard on them and die. Then all this would get blamed on MMA even though like many things it was just some idiot abusing it.

I am even against the "weigh in" rules they do now where you weight in the day before the fight, instead of the same day you fight. Now we have guys cutting 30-40 pounds overnight by dehydrating themselves and there are now fights where guys are fighting way out of their weight class because they use these tricks. Same as if roids were legal in MMA many fighters are being forced to do the cutting if they don't want to fight a guy way heavier than them. Almost all UFC fighters do it now; except maybe Frankie Edgar. All in all, it is very bad for you and college wrestlers have already died from this in the past, but everyone ignores it because it is the way it has always been done. F*ck that make them weigh in minutes before the fight!