Quote Originally Posted by grim View Post
It's pretty obviouse I'm not talking about what was originally posted Ej, and for the record I didn't ninja this thread into the direction it went it was already headed that way when I got in it.

I'm not picking anyone apart because I'm a bad ass, you can view it however you want to but just because they didn't flat out say it doesn't mean it isn't what was implemented.

Contrary to what you think or read I am " contributing" is it in regards to the direction Mybacknurts tought it was going to go? No, but oh fucking well not every thread stays on topic you know that, you are just as guilty about debating something that has nothing to do with the way the thread originally started out so don't give me any shit.

Whatever I'm done with this thread there are waaaaaay too many factors in the "truth" of all of this and not a single one person on this forum or anyone they know can give the right answer, There is a permanent cure, there isn't a permanent cure. This thread was by far a stupid idea, I'm going to stick with what I do best going on rides and trolling these dumb arguments.
I didnt see anywhere where he said that smoking weed cured anything. That said, all your rant was about was how smart you are for drawing that conclusion without any help from the internet. Lots of support on both sides of the cancer/weed thing and it sucks that you are not able to see both of them.

Thanks for your input, it was a good stab at getting involved sean.