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Thread: Galaxy Tab opinions

  1. #25
    Senior Member Yearly Supporter FZ1Guy's Avatar
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    Re: Galaxy Tab opinions

    Nice to hear from everyone. Sounds like the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 is just an okay mid-level tablet. I do like the idea of getting something that will not be outdated in 6 months.... so thanks for the input.
    Ridin' and Lovin' Life
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  2. #26
    Junior Member
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    Re: Galaxy Tab opinions

    I bought a Galaxy Tab 10.1 (WiFi only) for ~$390 back in February and totally love it. I use it primarily for reading PDFs (Kindle screen is too small and zooming/panning is a pain), Netflix, and miscellaneous small apps like Google maps/street view/sky.

  3. #27

    Re: Galaxy Tab opinions

    Personally, when the iPad was announced I thought the idea was ridiculous. A bigger phone you can't call on or use computer software on. You need a backpack or briefcase to carry it with you, and it doesn't do anything better than a phone other than the larger screen. I still think it's ridiculous, although, someone must have been smart to predict people would still buy something so pointless.

    I can see the use in a kindle, especially if you're an avid reader, as it causes less strain on your eyes and can be loaded with multiple books, but tablets?? Might as well get net book, at least you can type on it with two hands while it sits on your lap and use non-proprietary software.
    Last edited by HR636; Wed May 30th, 2012 at 10:20 PM.

  4. #28

    Re: Galaxy Tab opinions

    Although, I'm not taking into account people who do nothing more with their computers than simple tasks and don't type fast enough on an actual keyboard to make a difference. For me, using a tablet is agonizing, slow, and limited in its capabilities. I still wish decent phones came with full keyboards, I can't type fast enough with touch screen. I multi-task on computers like nobodies business, so doing one task at a time with a tablet or phone irritates me.

  5. #29
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    Re: Galaxy Tab opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by HR636 View Post
    Personally, when the iPad was announced I thought the idea was ridiculous. A bigger phone you can't call on or use computer software on. You need a backpack or briefcase to carry it with you, and it doesn't do anything better than a phone other than the larger screen. I still think it's ridiculous, although, someone must have been smart to predict people would still buy something so pointless.

    I can see the use in a kindle, especially if you're an avid reader, as it causes less strain on your eyes and can be loaded with multiple books, but tablets?? Might as well get net book, at least you can type on it with two hands while it sits on your lap and use non-proprietary software.
    Well, if you buy a tablet because it looks cool and you love gadgets, I would tend to agree with you. I know a number of people like that (some of whom live in my house). Why would you spend $400 to have something that is good for little more than Angry Birds?

    I bought my Galaxy Pad 10.1 to do something VERY specific: to read PDFs. As I mentioned, my standard Kindle is pretty much useless for that task. Also, I don't really like reading for any length of time at my computer. I had been considering a Kindle DX, but decided to go with a tablet because the price was pretty close, and because the tablet is color (a lot of my PDFs are for technical books with color graphics). For what I bought it for, I'm completely, 100% satisfied.

    In addition to meeting that need, it turns out that it has a great screen, and I notice I've been using my streaming Netflix subscription a lot more (not necessarily a good thing).

    All in all, I'd say I use my tablet 2-4 hours a day. Despite having work and personal laptops and a Kindle 3. So the form factor is definitely fulfilling a need.

    It is a niche product, however, and not a general-purpose computer replacement. As you point out, typing is painful, and so I pretty much avoid any applications requiring text input.

  6. #30
    Gold Member salsashark's Avatar
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    Re: Galaxy Tab opinions

    ^^ Along those lines, I have a xoom and found several great uses for it.

    Reason I bought a tablet in the first place was to have something I can travel with. I first bought an ipad, rarely used it and sold it, then later picked up a xoom for a song.

    For my work, it's not a direct replacement for a full computer. But for traveling, these things are great.
    -Super light compared to a normal laptop (and with the baggage fees airlines charge, every ounce is important)
    -Solid state drive can get knocked around a bit without being damaged
    -Fits on an airplane seat tray (Also fits nicely in a motorcycle bag)
    -HD screen w/ several movies loaded up makes flights much more tolerable
    -Full browser allows for access to work email and intranets
    -Battery life is great. If I'm not watching movies (stream or disc), typically only charge it once a week or so.

    -Some of the small apps are great. One example. I bought a docsis modem and gigabit router but wasn't getting any speed increases from my old modem and router. Well, I found an wifi analyzer app and found that most of my neighbors were on specific channels. Used the laptop to adjust the wifi and the tablet to monitor the changes... Worked great.

    Niche product? yep

    Useful? No more or less than a computer or laptop. Just like those idiots who camp out at starbucks with a 1500+ macbook using it update their facebook status. It's what you do with it that makes it useful.
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