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Thread: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

  1. #25
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by grim View Post
    Its definitely a possibility A lot of people abuse steroids and don't know what they are doing. The rumor is that if you take an oral steroid you are damaging your liver, which can be true if you cycle for too long and too high of a dosage.

    If you inject steroids it bypasses the liver and goes straight to the blood stream which is correct but what they don't understand is that not every human body will react the same to a steroid, Some people succumb to Testicular cancer fairly quickly, while others never have a problem. It actually has to do a lot with family history. You can increase your chances of a heart attack, stroke, liver failure. Mind you this is all with not being responsible and abusing it, just like any drug that can be prescribed to you by a doctor. In moderation it can be very helpful and good for you, but as soon as you start abusing it you're gonna have a bad time.

    Almost all inhalers people use for asthma has a type of steroid in it, the steroid goes right to work on your lungs and makes them stronger, its just a small dosage and because it is absorbed so quickly it does not last (basically long enough to get over the attack).

    When my kid was still in the womb after some X-rays they said they were concerned her lungs may not be fully developed enough when she was due thusly she would need to be on a machine until they were fully developed,they suggested a direct injection of steroids and see if it would enlarge her lungs which we agreed to go ahead with. Needless to say after she was born and some X-rays showed her lungs are now larger than that of an average Kid's and she is perfectly healthy.

    Steroids can definitely benefit anyone it's just that people in the past have ruined it for everyone else. Just like your Supplement you were taking Nate, it was good, it worked, but then got banned because some idiot couldn't read the label and take it like they were supposed to.
    Oh yeah I understand it mainly comes down to people abusing it and there are some real benefits for people; hence why TRT is medically prescribed. In the case of my cousin he was a fool for doing them at 17 years old! Body isn't even done devoloping and pretty sure he abused them as well and never cycled of them his entire football season; all he and the team cared about was winning state that year, which they did. Guy was amazing though and benching in the 300+ at 17 years old and maybe 200lbs. Funny thing is I was always never the jock and he was, but now he is a fat guy that doesn't work out at all.

    Yeah some fool takes 7 scoops of Jack3D (lserving size it one scoop) who has heart problem and then blames the Jack3D when his heart fails. Sheesh where is the common sense! if I took 7 times the recommended dose of Tylenol I would probably go into renal failure
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  2. #26
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by UglyDogRacing View Post
    Quoted from article "Now he’s making public proclamations that everyone over 40 should consider using these drugs because they “increase your quality of life.”

    I am not going to lie, so I will say I do agree with this statement and have seen how it has turned around the lives of some of the UFC fighters who are older that have proved this. Dan Henderson is a huge advocate of it too. At 40 I will get my testosterone tested and if it is low I will try to get something prescribed to get it back to normal. This is because after 40 every mans testosterone starts to drop
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  3. #27
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Quoted from article "Now he’s making public proclamations that everyone over 40 should consider using these drugs because they “increase your quality of life.”

    I am not going to lie, so I will say I do agree with this statement and have seen how it has turned around the lives of some of the UFC fighters who are older that have proved this. Dan Henderson is a huge advocate of it too. At 40 I will get my testosterone tested and if it is low I will try to get something prescribed to get it back to normal. This is because after 40 every mans testosterone starts to drop
    Yes but at 40+ why should it matter where your test levels are at(unless it's very low)? It's nature taking its course. There's a reason why certain things change in our bodies with age. It's called getting old. A no matter how you fight it Father time has a perfect record and cant be beat. Sooner or later he catches up with everyone. I'd recommend a balanced diet, excercise and quality of life over roid use to help prolong your health. I would never recommend roids to help. Just aacept the cards your dealt. I'm in my early 30's and have gray hair with receeding hair line. You think I'm going to dye my hair like a woman or get Rogaine?? Hell no!! It's part of aging and I accept. That's the problem with this country everyone is so absorbed with image. And in sorry if I offened anyone but seriously if you're a guy who dyes your hair to keep the gray out then you're a woman.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  4. #28
    Local jerk Yearly Supporter
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    Yes but at 40+ why should it matter where your test levels are at(unless it's very low)? It's nature taking its course. There's a reason why certain things change in our bodies with age. It's called getting old. A no matter how you fight it Father time has a perfect record and cant be beat. Sooner or later he catches up with everyone. I'd recommend a balanced diet, excercise and quality of life over roid use to help prolong your health. I would never recommend roids to help. Just aacept the cards your dealt. I'm in my early 30's and have gray hair with receeding hair line. You think I'm going to dye my hair like a woman or get Rogaine?? Hell no!! It's part of aging and I accept. That's the problem with this country everyone is so absorbed with image. And in sorry if I offened anyone but seriously if you're a guy who dyes your hair to keep the gray out then you're a woman.

    Man im 27 years old and had to accept my baldness last year!!!

    Fucking Irish blood!!

    ps she is not hot.

  5. #29
    Senior Member birchyboy's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    The Rock's got nothing on The Boom

  6. #30
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    Yes but at 40+ why should it matter where your test levels are at(unless it's very low)? It's nature taking its course. There's a reason why certain things change in our bodies with age. It's called getting old. A no matter how you fight it Father time has a perfect record and cant be beat. Sooner or later he catches up with everyone. I'd recommend a balanced diet, excercise and quality of life over roid use to help prolong your health. I would never recommend roids to help. Just aacept the cards your dealt. I'm in my early 30's and have gray hair with receeding hair line. You think I'm going to dye my hair like a woman or get Rogaine?? Hell no!! It's part of aging and I accept. That's the problem with this country everyone is so absorbed with image. And in sorry if I offened anyone but seriously if you're a guy who dyes your hair to keep the gray out then you're a woman.
    To each their own I guess. I will do everything I can do to prolonge getting old and having my body fail; it is why I workout 5 days a week and eat healthy. Father time may be knocking, but I will not answer because I will still be out doing the things other people who didn't try as hard can't do.

    As for steriod I said I would get it medically prescribed so would be the same as someone treating a medical condition; low testosterone is a medical condition and will greatly affect your quality of life! Plus studies have shown that men's testosterone has been decreasing over the years from past generations and nobody know why; could be the processed food nowadays, pollution, raise in obesity, etc.

    Look at people like Jack LaLane who was a fanatic about exercise and healthy eating! He kept his health better than most people his age and it did work. See I think the problem with society is most of them are lazy. How many people actually exercise 5 days a week. Check out what he was able to do at a old age when most people are sitting on the coach in retirement

    Happy I am 34 and no grey hair, no receeding hair line, and in better shape than when I was 24! How many peopel can say that? All from hard work, because we do have a hand in our own body's health!
    Last edited by bulldog; Wed Jul 18th, 2012 at 12:04 PM.
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  7. #31
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    FYI: Heres a list of signs of low test as men get older and how getting prescribed testosterone can help them:

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus
    Metabolic syndrome
    Moderate-severe chronic obstructive lung disease
    End-stage renal disease and maintenance haemodialysis
    HIV-associated weight loss
    History of infertility
    Treatment with glucocorticoids, opioids or ketoconazole
    Reduced sexual desire and activity
    Decreased spontaneous erections
    Gynaecomastia, breast discomfort
    Loss of pubic hair, reduced requirement for shaving
    Decreased testicle size
    Height loss, low trauma fractures, reduced bone mineral density
    Reduced muscle bulk and strength
    Hot flushes, sweats

    Just look on here for all the benefits
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  8. #32
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    To each their own I guess. I will do everything I can do to prolonge getting old and having my body fail; it is why I workout 5 days a week and eat healthy. Father time may be knocking, but I will not answer because I will still be out doing the things other people who didn't try as hard can't do.

    As for steriod I said I would get it medically prescribed so would be the same as someone treating a medical condition; low testosterone is a medical condition and will greatly affect your quality of life! Plus studies have shown that men's testosterone has been decreasing over the years from past generations and nobody know why; could be the processed food nowadays, pollution, raise in obesity, etc.

    Look at people like Jack LaLane who was a fanatic about exercise and healthy eating! He kept his health better than most people his age and it did work. See I think the problem with society is most of them are lazy. How many people actually exercise 5 days a week. Check out what he was able to do at a old age when most people are sitting on the coach in retirement

    Happy I am 34 and no grey hair, no receeding hair line, and in better shape than when I was 24! How many peopel can say that? All from hard work, because we do have a hand in our own body's health!
    I think i would blamr the drop in our testosterone levals to a more mental state. Men are no allowed to be men anymore. We are supposed to show all this feeling.. besides anger. We teach our kids that anger is bad. The more we try to create this ideal world where everyone is perfect the more it backfires.

    Buuuuuut idk.

  9. #33
    Senior Member Wrider's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    I think i would blamr the drop in our testosterone levals to a more mental state. Men are no allowed to be men anymore. We are supposed to show all this feeling.. besides anger. We teach our kids that anger is bad. The more we try to create this ideal world where everyone is perfect the more it backfires.

    Buuuuuut idk.

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  10. #34
    Member Samko's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wrider View Post

    Fuck no its not better ! Our great great grandchildren will have test levels of 400 ng/dl in puberty, thats fucking wrong. We are already being pussyfied. Why blacks, latinos, slavs etc. are better at sports than American kids , because their test levels at age 16 are around 1200ng/dl. Pro bodybuilders do well over 1000mg of steroids a week to acheive those numbers. There are exceptions to some kids, like in rural USA where kids are not exposed to estrogens in plastics and other materials and girls still go for "tall dark and hansome" and not for "Short chubby , lot of money". Natural selection is one of the factors that contribute to short dicks and low test. If white man didn't wear clothes don't you think that average size would be 9" and not 5 1/2". Girls would go for the host with the most !!

    If you started losing hair early that doesn't mean there is something wrong with you ! You just had some extra test that got converted to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) which contributes to hair loss, hairy back, full beard by age of 16 etc. Hey, this one will get you laid early !! If you're fat fucker you'll probably end up with bitch tits. Because fatter you are , more estrogen will float thru your body. Estrogen loves FAT. So if you have fat manager and he acts like such a bitch maybe you should slip some meth in his coffee !!

    I could go on all day about this....



    if you're shooting juice with insulin needle you're fucking pussy !!!!
    Go get yourself 18 or 19 gauge and be a effin man !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  11. #35
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wrider View Post


    You willing to say it to my face?? Thats more what i was referring. I noticed living here in co that people are soooooooo unwilling to deal with conflict. Ive even noticed how it can wear off onto you.

    They say for all our answers to the future all we need to do is look at the past.

  12. #36
    Senior Member mdub's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Rocky Mnt. High.

  13. #37
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    I am starring in next years "12 oz curls" bulking up now

  14. #38
    Local jerk Yearly Supporter
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Wow samko you could not be any more wrong, but please continue with your knowledge because your banter is cracking me the hell up over here.

  15. #39
    Senior Member VFR's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by grim View Post
    It's not so much that he isn't working his forearms its because he is doing direct inject to the muscles, when you lift you are always using your forearms for grip and certain motions especially when working your Biceps.

    If he were taking the shots in his ass like most people do he would be proportionate but because he is doing direct injections to the muscle he looks retarded.

    A lot of bodybuilders will do direct injects before a contest because it wont show up in a urine test and they may need that extra boost to that particular muscle.

    Edit: By retarded i don't mean he is small and i could kick his ass i mean from a body building standpoint he would get bad markings from the judges.
    Gonna have to disagree wit ya there Grim...Im a exercise physiologist and you can lift without using your forearms muscles. The Bicep curl, hammer throw, skull crusher, and wrist curls are the only way to work out the forearm with the wrist curl being the only true forearm workout. The others utilize the forearm for quick burst before the biceps or triceps take over. One of the best ways to get mass in the forearm would be to place your forearm across a bench with the wrist lapped over one edge while on one knee. Place a sufficient amount of weight into your hand switching hands at fatigue. The big chest and arms are from press and curls but no max intervals for the forearm.
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  16. #40
    Senior Member Wrider's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    You willing to say it to my face?? Thats more what i was referring. I noticed living here in co that people are soooooooo unwilling to deal with conflict. Ive even noticed how it can wear off onto you.

    They say for all our answers to the future all we need to do is look at the past.
    Sure I'm bored! Then we can go on a ride, I vote 24 to Cripple Creek. You in?
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  17. #41
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Kind of a boring ride.

  18. #42
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by VFR View Post
    Gonna have to disagree wit ya there Grim...Im a exercise physiologist and you can lift without using your forearms muscles. The Bicep curl, hammer throw, skull crusher, and wrist curls are the only way to work out the forearm with the wrist curl being the only true forearm workout. The others utilize the forearm for quick burst before the biceps or triceps take over. One of the best ways to get mass in the forearm would be to place your forearm across a bench with the wrist lapped over one edge while on one knee. Place a sufficient amount of weight into your hand switching hands at fatigue. The big chest and arms are from press and curls but no max intervals for the forearm.
    You def know more than I do in regards to how to train muscles, I take a straight bar behind me as curl my wrists upward.

    My point was that he is direct injecting to the triceps and biceps.

    Good to know what you do though I may have some questios for you.

  19. #43
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by grim View Post
    Wow samko you could not be any more wrong, but please continue with your knowledge because your banter is cracking me the hell up over here.
    The only think cracking anyone up is you acting like you know steroids. WTF? - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  20. #44
    Senior Member Keyser Soze's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Everybody on CSC knows everything

  21. #45
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Not me. I dont know shit. I just typed what head thought.

  22. #46
    Member koru's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    wow thats alot of people talking about dudes muscles maybe we should just check that
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  23. #47

    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

  24. #48
    Senior Member mdub's Avatar
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    Re: I think THE ROCK is on Roids Again!!!

    Man that avatar is Best!!!! Who cares what she looks like....

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