Quote Originally Posted by Grim2.0 View Post
The point is that these "groups" are putting an image towards the riders who don't go into the canyons and frankly it is not a positive image. At least in the mountains the cops already know what we are up to and they almost never setup in the canyons themselves to stop us, they sit in the towns to catch the people who don't want to slow down at all. They haven't been giving anyone a hard time thus far and even the cagers so far have been moving over pretty quickly for us. That is our image in the mountains not on the interstate or on the public roads. So now we have the "bike kings" that wants to organize over 100 bikes to loiter in a spot setup races on the public roads and go tearing down I-25 while doing wheelies which not only pisses the cops off but pisses the cagers off too. So now we will have not only the cops messing with us and be more reluctant to pull us over thanks to this group but the cagers will develop more of a hatred towards us than they already have which poses more of a danger. If this group were doing "meets" More like the CSC where either everyone goes to a restaurant that hosts the gathering and raffles off prizes or washes the bikes, or better yet a canyon ride where everyone has a good time nobody gets arrested or gets into a fist fight and what not that's fine and I don't bash those because nobody is acting like and idiot and trying to gather a crap load of riders to go do stupid shit. Maybe it's me but I didn't think the CSC endorsed this kind of stuff as its doesn't paint a positive image for the club either. So I have my own way of trying to get this guy to go away by being a dick, not the best way perhaps but oh we'll. this is purely my opinion and nobody else's you either agree or disagree and that's fine. If I'm being that much of a hassle or I am that wrong then the mods can ban me.
So riding on sidewalks, doing wheelies, burnouts and riding through parks and fields illegally is better and not making a bad image on us? What if this guy started going into the threads you start about riding the DRZ, or bashing the videos of you guys doing that??

This "club" is just a way for people to get together and meet new people that have the same interests, riding motorcycles. There are some people on here that do the whole city riding, and maybe that's all they do and good for them. There's others that ride around the city for fun and then get their jollies off in the canyons. Then there's people like me who just ride on the track now. But everyone is welcome here. Yeah, we make fun of each other, but you don't get to bully the guy every time he wants to get people together and do what they do. If it's not for you, don't show up.

This isn't a CSC event, he's not saying he wants to make it a CSC event. He's just trying to get people to get together and do their thing. I'm sure the cops will get wind of it and show up and maybe follow them, but that's their problem. Just drop it. We know you don't like it, so don't post in it. I'm tired of the bashing and bullying, we aren't in high school, get over it and let the kid do his thing.