Quote Originally Posted by Wrider View Post
I just got my ass kicked 6 ways from Sunday from Thursday through Sunday... Went backpacking for a buddy's bachelor party up in the Rawah Wilderness Area. Just reaffirms I need to stop working on weights and start working on everything else...
Yeah all depends on your goals and what you want to accomplish; it is the reason you rarely see a really buff guy doing marathons or crazy hikes. All that muscle makes it harder to do that stuff since you have the added weight mass which uses up a lot of oxygen.

Also hiking is going to hit muscles that are very hard to workout in a gym since a lot of them are small stabilizing muscles your legs use when on un-level surfaces (like rocks). I work out my legs every week and run a few miles a week, yet a hike always gets me sore in my front bottom leg region (opposite calves; extensor muscles).

So are you just sore from the hike or were you just not able to complete it?