Quote Originally Posted by madvlad View Post
That kid is an improved Rossi in the making. Rossi was definitely lacking even with Lorenzo running slower pace trying to make Marquez make a mistake. Pretty great 10 laps at the start there. Congratulations to Marc Marquez on his first ever history making championship. That kid is the real deal. Once Rossi is gone I'll be rooting for Marc. Kid rides 100% and with heart, that's passion and love for your craft.
Oh for sure Marquez is on a blistering pace at the moment. He didn't have to push the limit in this race. Only manage it and I'm glad that's what he did. He showed that he's got some champion pedigree in how he managed to bring it home, mistake free.

What I found odd about Lorenzo trying to slow things down and bunch everyone up was that it allowed five riders to stay with him but you could tell Dani wanted past and would have left if he could. I found it even more odd Rossi's pace as well. The first 15 laps he was right in the mix and even made a pass or two. When Lorenzo upped the pace, then everyone spread out. Now I'll admit Rossi doesn't have Lorenzo's pace. Though he wasn't that far behind the Honda's, which tells me he's got the pace to keep the Honda's in sight. Even when Pedrosa got passed Rossi, they were very close up until Pedrosa caught Marquez and pulled a gap.

Also have you noticed during the start, when they all drag race to the first corner. That Rossi's bike and Lorenzo's do seem to have power differences. Lorenzo always gets the hole shot and pulls in front. Rossi gets a good jump, yet you can tell his bike is down on steam by the time they arrive at the first corner. Because both Honda's pulled in front of him. It's either Rossi's bike is down on steam, or he's letting up earlier because he's unsure of the bikes braking going into Turn 1. Not wanting to push the bike and risk what happened in Motegi.

All I can say is it must be frustrating being on a bike that you're not physically and mentally willing to trust under braking.

I think Motegi was really telling in terms of braking issues for Rossi. Lots of people have said Rossi broke under pressure from the Honda's in Turn 11. But you can tell the difference in the way he and Lorenzo ride the bike. Lorenzo, whose never been a late braking rider, didn't suffer the same front end wash that Rossi got. It's either bad setup by Rossi and his team or the bike really can't handle Rossi's style of late braking. Because in back to back laps, Rossi was fighting a front end that wanted to wash out.

I personally believe the Burgess move was necessary. Hopefully Rossi can land a crew chief that is in tune with the changing times of MotoGP bikes. One that understands how to do a better setup in terms of the technology that's involved with these bikes. If not and Rossi can't improve next year to fight for podiums and wins. I think he'll retire. He's got too much pride to play second fiddle and fight for 4th every race. He'll know he's lost that extra little bit of speed that he needs and move on.

Rossi needs to find that extra little bit of pace for race day. If you compare his practice and lately his qualifying times, he's right in the mix with the top 3 riders. He's not far off the front.

I'm with you, once Rossi hangs up his leathers. I'll be rooting for Marquez and Lorenzo. No one will ever replace Rossi for me, but I'll have others that I look forward to seeing them grow and race fast.