Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
I called it a halfway close call, because I wasn't sure what else to call it. But no, it wasn't a close call. I really haven't had many close calls, if any to be honest.

In 5-6 seconds flat, he went from right beside me to out of sight. Obviously full throttle, riding 40mph faster than traffic. I guess I'm not practicing situation awareness for a guy doing 40mph faster than traffic when in heavy traffic. I prefer to look ahead of, and beside me, until I have to stop of course. But in this traffic, until I have to slow, I don't spend much time looking behind me.

I had little choice, I was merging back onto the highway and it merges from the left. So I eased back onto the highway, into the fast lane. And I prefer to ride in that lane, because it cuts in nearly half the number of cars I need to worry about and pay attention to, and traffic in that lane changes lanes much less often. Sucks the manual doesn't agree with me. I should sue them.

I appreciate your last sentence, but I just don't see any issues with my riding in this video (Though I've got several riding issues in general don't get me wrong).
Okay so I need to clerify a bit. When I said lane one I was referring to how each lane for motorcycles is broken down into three lanes. I was not referring to car lanes. So basically what I was saying was you should be riding in lane two of lane one. Because that makes so much sense typed out. Lol.

And honestly upon further review... (best sports announcing voice) I will retract my earlier statement seeing how you did actually see coming. Its very clear you see him come up on you as you looked and waited for him and even moved further over for him to pass.

Its also very clear he doesn't actually pass YOU at much speed. He seems to pull up look at you and then begins to be a jackass. But you really should be checking those mirrors more often. Your head isn't moving much. That thing should be also moving and looking.

Just want to see everyone ride safe and be safe at the end of the day. Even if I don't like the people very much..... well accept this one guy... if he still trolls here I hope he sees this and knows I hope he fucking dies in a horrible manner. Painfully and slowly. Fuck you old man. Fuck you.

But Anyways I wouldn't worry too much about anyone making riders look bad. Being as we are kind of rebels to begin with honestly who cares what the cages think.