Quote Originally Posted by ~Barn~ View Post
The best part of this thread is that you're probably getting PMs from people and I'm sure it will be a blast, so long as the stars don't align and something bad happens. Enjoy the buzz and don't kill yourself.

And oh yeah.... Are you expecting a better top speed from this run than your last?
My previous best run was a few years ago, I had my drag race gearing, and with a GPS on board I went 183mph... swapped gearing, and then a couple weeks later went past a bike that went 187mph (GPS on his bike). I have swapped gearing again, and expect my current setup to take me around 195ish, but that's what I need to test out. I think I still need to go -1 in the rear to be over 200mph, but I want to test my current setup before I buy another sprocket.