Quote Originally Posted by UHATEIT View Post
yeah I thought it ironic to wear those tattered jeans! There was no crash tho This was the first ride for her, the helmet and gloves have been in a box for over 2 years, I will eventually buy her boots now that she wants to ride more with me. I just didnt want to make that huge investment in top notch stuff if she did not want to ride (she is notorious for wanting to try a hobby and then giving up on it)

I mentioned earlier that we used SENA intercoms which was great so the whole time I was able to talk with her and tell her what I planned to do and when a braking or even a downshift was coming or when I planned to speed up. The E470 was traffic free so we got to cruise at around 75mph and she started to get her positioning better as we went along. But I agree with you on the extra weight, my left forearm was killing me this morning, from being leaned down further with her weight almost on my back and she was somewhat pushing me down. That extra weight did put a strain on me, but with time she will probably be more comfortable and not as gripped around me. She did use her hands on the tank for braking and thats what supposedly wore out her hands, she mentioned her wrists and hands hurt this morning from bracing on the tank.
Yeah just make sure keeps up with bracing herself on stops. Your nuts will thank you. Had a few times the chick didn't and man... When she slides.... Oh man... Just... Yeah.

It does get easier after a while. Sorry I missed the part with the com's.