Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
My turn. Now this is coming from from a professional driver stance. It doesn't really matter what distraction it is distracted driving is all the same. It can even be what's playing on the radio.

While some people feel its safer to talk on a Bluetooth it can and has been proven to be just as distraction as hand held. Period. No its and or buts.

Now being that there is already a law on the books about hands free devices I see no point in arguing for more. There is no point. But Nate if you want to argue the point of being able to drive with one hand or two I will counter with this. And before we really get into it I drive a ten speed. I shift.... All the fucking time. Not like a car where you shift from time to time.

Driving with one hand is just as effective as two. While yes you are instructed to hold at ten and two you just can't maintain that position for long periods of time. But this is a really mediocre conversation. If you want to really talk distracted driving some of the most common and untalked about distractions is passengers. Passengers are very distractive. When you carry a conversation with a person you typically look at them. Taking focus off the road. Taking focus off mirror checks. Taking focus off the cars around you. But that's a whole other conversation to be had.

Guess I will end this with if the current laws aren't going to be enforced why bother wasting money on more? Even cops still drive with a cell in their hand. Waste of time and money.
We don't have that law in CO Townie....only for texting!

Not sure in Nevada, but my family lives in NM, and they enforce that law hardcore! Even for out-of-towners.

We should race the exact same WRX with a manual transmission. You with one hand and me with both and see who wins....oh yeah on turns!

Ok, ok...now I am out.