Quote Originally Posted by Kim-n-Dean View Post
You have to take into consideration the time delay it takes the sound to get across the track and to the video camera. It doesn't take much of a distance to have an audio to video gap. The camera/mic is pretty far away, being on the other side of the track. If that is Tony's car you hear gas it, it's right when he hits the guy, therefore, because of sound delay, Tony hit the gas before he got to the guy.

I think the eye-witnesses are correct. Tony punched it to scare the guy and things got way too close, way too quick. The first car almost hit Ward as well, but Tony did it on purpose. You can even see Ward jump back to avoid Tony. It's too bad the video doesn't stay framed as Tony enters the scene.
Very good point. I didn't take into account of the delay. That would put him gassing it right before the guy. Sad and stupid all around from both sides.