Quote Originally Posted by ~Barn~ View Post
A few points of fact from over the past 5'ish years:

Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive.
We bomb the shit out of terrorist entrenchments.
Every American over the coming years will have the protection of health insurance.
Somali pirates get shot in the fucking face when they hijack American shipping vessels.
PBS still broadcasts free fantastic entertainment.
Nobody has massively attacked the American population in a terrorist act (domestic or foreign).
Gas prices and the cars/motorcycles/boats that consume it are are still available and legal and affordable.
The states of Washington and Colorado sells marijuana LEGALLY.
Taxes are higher because wages are higher.
Ummm the hunt and the bailouts were begun before Obama took office.
We've been doing that for over a decade now. In fact I'm pretty sure you are one of the people who was saying we shouldn't be doing so until Obummer decided to do so.
Well, either that or they'll be punished financially so severely they'll end up in a pit of never-ending debt. I'm sorry I can't afford to pay 600 bucks every 6 months for mediocre healthcare, the $760 or whatever the first punishment is is still cheaper.
First American vessel to ever be hijacked by Somali pirates. He responded as he should have.
Good for it? Not sure what your point is here.
You're right, a whole bunch of little ones, but no massive ones.
Gas prices are averaged out to within 5 cents under both Bush and Obama. But Bush had refineries destroyed (natural disaster) and a threatened embargo (which drove up prices severely but was avoided) under his watch. I will also point out that MPG requirements for cars are now nearly to the point of motorcycle efficiency, causing much higher prices due to lighter exotic materials and engines having to run leaner/hotter.
Federally it's still illegal. So therefore that has nothing to do with it.
And I'm arguing that tax rates are higher. They are for me at least. And trust me when I say I'm nowhere near even most of your tax brackets.