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Thread: What should be done in Ferguson

  1. #1
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    What should be done in Ferguson

    Im sure there arent all that many people keeping tabs on Ferguson Missouri, but ive keep an ear on it. It sounds like in the next few days the Grand Jury will present their findings and final determination on whether to the police officer involved did anything wrong. My assumption is that they will clear the cop of any wrong doing resulting in a large spree of craziness.

    As if things couldnt get any crazier the KKK has put their $ in the race. Threatening deadly force. Article HERE

    Just wondering what anyone elses take on this is. - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  2. #2
    Senior Member mdub's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    I don't think the cop will be getting off too easy..

    Well then... Guess the National Guard should be preparing.

    The cops are getting ready for the public and vice versa..

  3. #3
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Yeah I have been watching. As for the guy the cop shot... Don't beat the shit out of a cop and you probably won't get shot. Just saying.

    The riots that have taken place and even the response from the kkk could be a argument for people in this country are just fed up.

    It has goten to a point that it isn't taking much to get people fired up.

    They have their hands full with this one and I wouldn't be surprised if the grand jury sent him to trial just to spare the town.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    They have their hands full with this one and I wouldn't be surprised if the grand jury sent him to trial just to spare the town.
    I was wondering the same but they would only be delaying the inevitable... The evidence thats been presented strongly supports the cop.

    I couldnt imagine living there. Then again, I guess I would have already packed up the family and headed for the hills.

    Its going to get pretty crazy if they dont try the cop and the KKK comes in.... - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  5. #5
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Oh yeah that's an epic powderkeg just waiting to go boom.

    Honestly I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the YouTube videos. Lol

  6. #6
    Senior Member JKOL's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Based on the evidence the Fergusson cop is only guilty of being white and shooting a black guy.

    The media loves the racial aspect and there are plenty if opportunist who pull the race card just to get their face on TV and name in the paper.

    The mainstream media mentioned nothing about the white unarmed teen that was shot in Utah shortly after the Fergusson incident, the police actually went so far as to call the officer not white but didn't elaborate. It doesn't push the racial tension and support the notion that white cops are running around killing black people.

    People of Fergusson and all those that travelled there to protest violently have nothing better to do. They will react violently to whatever Al Sharpton tells them to protest. I honestly think we are going backwards as far as race relations go which really is sad.

    I remember reading one of the early media reports that mentioned residents complaining about not having job opportunities, and then they go and destroy the few businesses in their area. The irony is mind blowing.

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  7. #7
    Senior Member j0ker's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    In a town that is less than 30% white with only 3 out of 53 blacks on the police force.... yea. I am sure there wasn't any prejudiced action involved. For a black 18 year old to be shot while his hands were raised in submission by the "serve and protect" crew is far more ironic.

    Fuck police that do not serve the public interests and abide by the same laws we do. (except for the posted speed limits, nobody pays attention to that)

  8. #8
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    There is a lot more to this than what you simply believe to be true Joker.... Even details as "small" as, they proved that the kids hands werent in the air and that his blood was in the cops car. This 18 year old was fighting with the cop, in the cops car, over the cops pistol.

    Whats interesting to me is how no matter what the evidence says, people still form their own opinion of "what happened". So, they could say that the cop did noting wrong and that the kid provoked this whole situation and people will still riot and want "justice". - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  9. #9
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    And I'm sorry even IF things went down as some are saying he had already beat the shit out of the cop and was walking back at him. Hands in the air mean dick at that point.

    I know some of you sheltered people find it hard to believe but just because he looks like he's surrendering doesn't mean he was.

    I have seen many times guys act like they are giving up just to get close so they start the attack again.

    Also the way he throws around that store clerk its clear he's no stranger to violence.

    I fucking hate cops, but there is a time and place to fight them. In the middle of the street with fists isn't it. Its a sure way to get yourself shot. Period.

    Fuck him.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Nolan's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson (ultra long) (not as long) (close to home)

    Decades long of "fuck the police" attitude seems to be at least ONE reason there aren't more minority officers.
    Seems to me that this (Ferguson) is a situation that has turned more into ratings, media, and politics than actual facts. Either way this plays out its going to affirm the negative attitudes we all have towards whatever side we put ourselves against.

  11. #11
    Senior Member JKOL's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by j0ker View Post
    In a town that is less than 30% white with only 3 out of 53 blacks on the police force.... yea. I am sure there wasn't any prejudiced action involved. For a black 18 year old to be shot while his hands were raised in submission by the "serve and protect" crew is far more ironic.

    Fuck police that do not serve the public interests and abide by the same laws we do. (except for the posted speed limits, nobody pays attention to that)
    I love how that statistic is thrown around as if it proves anything. If you show me figures showing something like 7/10 applicants to police force were black but only 3/53 officers on the force are black, then you would have something. But my guess is the number of black applicants is closely reflected in the number of black officers they have.

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  12. #12
    Senior Member j0ker's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    You guys are funny. I'm just reading the news back to you. I'm not "form(ing) their own opinion of "what happened"" and I am far from sheltered. None of us were there and we all have to rely on the media to understand the situation. From what I can see; the town of Ferguson has a rapidly changing demographic from very recently almost 100% white to now predominately latino and black. The infrastructure support demographic hasn't caught up to the reality of their population shift. It also appears that there "may" or "MAY NOT" have been a struggle previously to the shooting. We sure as fuck do not KNOW. I sure hope the truth is found out, but I honestly can't prejudge this based on white and black and the assumptions that are being thrown around in here and else where.

    Also, the arrest statistics do not lie... police target minorities. It should be the same for all of us or not at all.

  13. #13
    Senior Member AOK303's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    You cant try to over take and beat a cop and as soon as you know he has control over his gun throw your hands up and expect that he will not shoot in self defense act.
    you already passed that point. Not saying its right or wrong he died but if the officer was just a regular person, the grand jury would of already cleared him
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  14. #14
    Senior Member j0ker's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    None of the news I am reading says ANYTHING about Brown grabbing the gun or being IN or ON a police car. Several eye witnesses also say that at NO POINT was there a fight or scuffle for the gun. The eye witnesses both confirmed that the LEO grabbed him by the neck at which point Brown threw his hands up and was promptly shot. There was a report released today that also confirms what I just stated.

    Sounds like the LEO was a scared little bitch and shot an innocent unarmed boy.

  15. #15
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    Last edited by #1Townie; Sun Nov 16th, 2014 at 12:33 AM.

  16. #16
    Senior Member JKOL's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    I am am with Townie. Joker you need to read up and then come back. All the points you are making sound like all you have read came from the initial reports that were all knee jerk without any facts actually checked. Instead of trusting the media to tell the facts and not just create the story they want to tell, read what the forensic evidence shows.

    Quote Originally Posted by j0ker View Post
    None of the news I am reading says ANYTHING about Brown grabbing the gun or being IN or ON a police car. Several eye witnesses also say that at NO POINT was there a fight or scuffle for the gun. The eye witnesses both confirmed that the LEO grabbed him by the neck at which point Brown threw his hands up and was promptly shot. There was a report released today that also confirms what I just stated.

    Sounds like the LEO was a scared little bitch and shot an innocent unarmed boy.
    Did you miss where "innocent unarmed" Michael brown robbed and assaulted a convenience store clerk earlier in the day? I would be willing to bet this wasn't his first assault or robbery, you don't just wake up and say today I am going to assault a guy to get some swisher sweets.

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  17. #17
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by j0ker View Post
    None of the news I am reading says ANYTHING about Brown grabbing the gun or being IN or ON a police car. Several eye witnesses also say that at NO POINT was there a fight or scuffle for the gun. The eye witnesses both confirmed that the LEO grabbed him by the neck at which point Brown threw his hands up and was promptly shot. There was a report released today that also confirms what I just stated.

    Sounds like the LEO was a scared little bitch and shot an innocent unarmed boy.
    Really?? you must be reading some whack news reports. Because not long after this all transpired it was widely reported(not only in the links that Townie provided) in many news outlets either on-line or TV media of what exactly went down.

    It's commonly known that not only did they get into a fight but that Brown actually went for the officer's gun while he was still inside his police cruiser.

    But just to give you an idea of what kind of person Michael Brown was, here's a rough idea of the laws he broke on just this day when he was shot.

    1. Assault on Police Officer
    2. Assault on an "at risk adult" at the convenience store(this at risk adult was the store owner).
    3. Robbery(whether or not it was armed robbery time will tell)
    4. Photos have surfaced of Brown smoking pot and posing in pictures "gangsta style" throwing up signs earlier in the day. So he's 18 and smoking pot illegally in a state that has not legalized it.

    Yeah sounds to me like Michael Brown was a portrait of what a model citizen should be.

    So right there are four laws he broke just on that day alone. No telling what others he's broken in the past. Because let's face it, if he's willing to break those kinds of laws, I'm willing to guarantee that he broke laws all the time in the past. He was a thug and lived the thug lifestyle, plain and simple.

    So you say, "Sounds like the LEO was a scared little bitch and shot an innocent unarmed boy."

    I say, sounds to me like the boy had it coming and the cop was just doing his job. The kid deserved what he got, a pine box....

    Quote Originally Posted by j0ker View Post

    Also, the arrest statistics do not lie... police target minorities. It should be the same for all of us or not at all.
    You don't get arrested if you're not breaking the law. The reason why more minorities are incarcerated is because they break more laws. And before you even come at me with that tired argument of, "you can't say that minorities break the law and that's being racist." Know this, I am a minority. I have several family members that are former law enforcement. You know what they tell me?? Minorities break the majority of the laws.

    Here's an idea. Don't want to go to jail, well then
    Last edited by The Black Knight; Sun Nov 16th, 2014 at 10:07 AM.

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  18. #18
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post

    You don't get arrested if you're not breaking the law.
    You can't be this naive........ I guess we don't need judges then or courts or lawyers. Just cops and prisons.

  19. #19
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by laspariahs View Post
    You can't be this naive........
    I'm not but I will say, it's worked for me and millions of other citizens so far. I don't break the law, and guess what I've never been arrested. I've never even had a run in with Law Enforcement. You wanna know why? Because the few times I have been pulled over. I've been respectful, well spoken, clear and concise and don't come off with a chip on my shoulder to Law Enforcement. And I've been treated with the same respect that I've shown 99% of the time. I will say I did have a bad experience with a State Trooper years ago in Deckers but that wasn't just one isolated incident. In fact he had been burning motorcyclist that whole day and had been for sometime. In fact said State Trooper ended his own life about 5 years later in a stand off with his own colleagues. It was found out later that he was suffering some emotional and metal issues.

    Yes we do need judges, courts and lawyers. It's all about due process. However,(taking the wrongfully accused out of the equation) the only reason you need due process when being accused of breaking the law(i.e. Murder, Rape, Robbery/Armed Robbery, Drugs, etc.) is because you broke the law.
    Last edited by The Black Knight; Sun Nov 16th, 2014 at 12:31 PM.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  20. #20
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    I'm not but I will say, it's worked for me and millions of other citizens so far. I don't break the law, and guess what I've never been arrested. I've never even had a run in with Law Enforcement. You wanna know why? Because the few times I have been pulled over. I've been respectful, well spoken, clear and concise and don't come off with a chip on my shoulder to Law Enforcement. And I've been treated with the same respect that I've shown 99% of the time. I will say I did have a bad experience with a State Trooper years ago in Deckers but that wasn't just one isolated incident. In fact he had been burning motorcyclist that whole day and had been for sometime. In fact said State Trooper ended his own life about 5 years later in a stand off with his own colleagues. It was found out later that he was suffering some emotional and metal issues.

    Yes we do need judges, courts and lawyers. It's all about due process. However,(taking the wrongfully accused out of the equation) the only reason you need due process when being accused of breaking the law(i.e. Murder, Rape, Robbery/Armed Robbery, Drugs, etc.) is because you broke the law.

    Oh yes taking people who got arrested that didn't do anything out of the equation..... So do people get wrongfully accused, or don't they?

    I've never had a run in with the cops either, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to think that people don't, it happens every day, probably every hour at least of every day.

  21. #21
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    As far as I recall from my Civil Rights and Liberties class last year, the only statistic showing a racial bias against minorities involved sentencing and incarceration rates for individuals, white vs. minority, tried for a similar crime. In that case it showed that minorities had a 75% higher chance of being incarcerated than Caucasians and often carried stiffer penalties. In essence, it had nothing to do with an arresting officer's discretion and had more to do with judges and juries.

    By no means am I even going to attempt to make claims about detention and arrest ratios of whites vs. minorities as it seems to differ from source to source.

    There has been some arguments made that despite the fact that African-American minorities represent ~30% of the population they are disproportionately represented in prison inmate statistics. Often, some say that more African-Americans are imprisoned than Caucasians, but it's actually closer in proportions than one may realize.

    Conflicting information, I know.

    Finally, it's also of note to recognize the difference between being detained, and being arrested. Police officers can choose to detain anyone if they have reasonable suspicion. They can arrest if they have probable cause. A good rule of thumb is this: If you're being read your Miranda rights, you're being arrested. If not, you're being detained.
    Last edited by Drano; Sun Nov 16th, 2014 at 11:14 PM.

  22. #22
    Senior Member Aaron's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    I'm quite happy to see overwhelmingly support for the Officer here. I realize that wouldn't be the case if the evidence didn't support the Officer and it was a "bad shoot," but I'm glad most of you guys can see from every bit of evidence we have the Officer was initially just trying to make his city a better place, and then forced to defend his own life.

    Threads like this won't change anyone's opinions, but I'll answer any questions I can about Law Enforcement operations. I can almost guarantee you they are dramatically different than any of your current opinions and beliefs.

  23. #23
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by Drano View Post
    As far as I recall from my Civil Rights and Liberties class last year, the only statistic showing a racial bias against minorities involved sentencing and incarceration rates for individuals, white vs. minority, tried for a similar crime. In that case it showed that minorities had a 75% higher chance of being incarcerated than Caucasians and often carried stiffer penalties. In essence, it had nothing to do with an arresting officer's discretion and had more to do with judges and juries.

    By no means am I even going to attempt to make claims about detention and arrest ratios of whites vs. minorities as it seems to differ from source to source.

    There has been some arguments made that despite the fact that African-American minorities represent ~30% of the population they are disproportionately represented in prison inmate statistics. Often, some say that more African-Americans are imprisoned than Caucasians, but it's actually closer in proportions than one may realize.

    Conflicting information, I know.
    It's not conflicting information all it means is whites commit more crime, but are less likely to go to jail for them. Unless your data is flawed.

  24. #24
    Member 07D675CO's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    At first everything you saw was pointing in one direction. That of a black teen gunned down by an officer. However lately the evidence appears to say something different. I can certainly understand the outrage earlier based on the known information at the time. Hopefully cool heads will prevail and look at the facts.

    As for our current law enforcement and legal system. I do not believe I would receive the same treatment as a black male of the same age. The problem is not enough of them commit white collar crimes like Wall St. Then you can walk away with less than a slap on the wrist. But man you steal a $1,000 car and jail time buddy.
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