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Thread: What should be done in Ferguson

  1. #49
    Member Ph03niX's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    I couldn't agree more Townie.
    The one thing that makes me mad though, is how much people talk about this. There's so much worse shit going on elsewhere and everyone's still talking about this one mistake a cop may or may not have made. I could give two f***s about what's going on in Ferguson. If it's not affecting you or anyone you know, why worry about it or talk about it? (serious question)
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  2. #50
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    (Serious answer) Because the bottom is about ready to fall out of Ferguson. Thats why we should worry about it.

    That and there wasnt a mistake that was made on the side of the officer (or so the evidence says).

    I agree with the "if its not affecting you..." mentality but there are a few nation wide topics worth paying attention to and discussing. - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  3. #51
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    The "victim" mindset is what kills me. Anyone could come up with reasons to play the "poor me" card.... Anyone. Its sad when a large group essentially falls into the same mindset together.

    The messed up thing about all of this is that ITS NOT EVEN RACE DRIVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its not like the cop shot the kid because he was black! He shot the kid because the kid deserved to be shot (or at least thats what my dad would say if this happened to me).

    Its a blame game and the rioters arent suddenly going to stop and publicly say "we were wrong", no, they are going to keep grabbing onto anything they can and continue to make this as big as they can.

    Sad. Its a giant knot thats only going to get untied by our federal government treating Ferguson like a war zone. - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  4. #52
    Member 07D675CO's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    Well you just need to stop. You are clearly watching too much CNN. You have so many incorrect statements in just a few posts its not even funny.

    The finale statement about kkk being a relic of the past is very laughable.
    Dude you need to slow your roll because I made no incorrect statements. So keep trolling with your little fan club.
    2010 Ducati Hypermotard 796

  5. #53
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by 07D675CO View Post
    Dude you need to slow your roll because I made no incorrect statements. So keep trolling with your little fan club.
    Townie has a fan club….you new to this club man because I bet Townie has argued with more people on here than most; so to say people back him because we are "fans" is hilarious. No, you said many incorrect statements and Townie called you out on them and that is why people agreed. I'd point them out, but I feel like you don't get it anyways so what is the point.

    Here is one tidbit on that "relic" KKK....amazing from this week: Missouri KKK: We will use ‘lethal force’ against Ferguson protesters


      • an object, custom, or belief that has survived from an earlier time but is now outmoded.

    Last edited by bulldog; Thu Nov 20th, 2014 at 09:12 AM.
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  6. #54
    Member 07D675CO's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Townie has a fan club….you new to this club man because I bet Townie has argued with more people on here than most; so to say people back him because we are "fans" is hilarious. No, you said many incorrect statements and Townie called you out on them and that is why people agreed. I'd point them out, but I feel like you don't get it anyways so what is the point.

    Here is one tidbit on that "relic" KKK....amazing from this week: Missouri KKK: We will use ‘lethal force’ against Ferguson protesters


      • an object, custom, or belief that has survived from an earlier time but is now outmoded.

    Show me where I made incorrect statements because all Townie did was spout off a bunch of stuff but nothing that proves anything I said wrong. So I don't consider you any better of a troll than him. It seems some of you have misinterpreted my statement about the KKK. What I meant was it long ago needed to die. It is just a left over relic from a previous era when racism was the norm.
    2010 Ducati Hypermotard 796

  7. #55
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by 07D675CO View Post
    Show me where I made incorrect statements because all Townie did was spout off a bunch of stuff but nothing that proves anything I said wrong. So I don't consider you any better of a troll than him. It seems some of you have misinterpreted my statement about the KKK. What I meant was it long ago needed to die. It is just a left over relic from a previous era when racism was the norm.
    Fair enough...maybe your statements were just taken wrong then. I did take you thought the KKK was a relic meaning gone and also that you thought white people were never slaves

    Anyways on a realted note KKK hit by cyberattack after Ferguson threats <--click

    Anonymous, a network of unnamed online activists who hack as a form of protest and "cyberwarfare," has taken aim at the Ku Klux Klan.
    The group claims to have hacked KKK websites and social media accounts and has also published the names of individuals it says are Klan members.
    Last edited by bulldog; Thu Nov 20th, 2014 at 09:30 AM.
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  8. #56
    Senior Member mdub's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by 07D675CO View Post
    .... It seems some of you have misinterpreted my statement about the KKK. What I meant was it long ago needed to die. It is just a left over relic from a previous era when racism was the norm.

    Yeah some might have interpreted your statement differently . But it is incorrect . The klan is not a left over. It unfortunately never left or stop to be an entity. Yeah they have laid low , but shit like this gives them a fucking warp of existence.. It is their fuel for their biggotted fire.

  9. #57
    Senior Member mdub's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    ..... Hahahaha... slow your roll Townie!!!! I like that. Funny sheatt..

  10. #58
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by 07D675CO View Post
    Dude you need to slow your roll because I made no incorrect statements. So keep trolling with your little fan club.
    Hahahaha I have a fan club? Ummmm bro i remember my first posts with you. I was arguing with multiple people and you even called for me to be banned because I don't live in Colorado. Try again buddy.

    You didn't make any false statements? How about the first post I went off about? You know the whole never being a slave comment? I even backed that up with links. If you even bothered to read them.

    I'm not trolling you. If I was trolling you I would be looking for a emotional outburst. No I'm just saying that you have some very incorrect ideas about the world.

    To finish by going back to your "relic" comment. A relic is a object or idea that is a thing of the past. The kkk is a group. A group that is still around and still up to no good.

    Your idea of using the word relic was false. Also racism is still very much alive today. And it is a sad thing. Only thing is its not the same as it used to be. Knock out game? Random violence against white people? Hell you have bored kids killing white people for "fun".

    Like I said I'm not trolling you. I'm correcting incorrect comments. And I have given you links. You ignored them and decided to carry on.

    Maybe you're trolling yourself. Idk.

  11. #59
    Senior Member JKOL's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Townie has a fan club….you new to this club man because I bet Townie has argued with more people on here than most; so to say people back him because we are "fans" is hilarious. No, you said many incorrect statements and Townie called you out on them and that is why people agreed. I'd point them out, but I feel like you don't get it anyways so what is the point.

    Here is one tidbit on that "relic" KKK....amazing from this week: Missouri KKK: We will use ‘lethal force’ against Ferguson protesters


      • an object, custom, or belief that has survived from an earlier time but is now outmoded.

    In the past I have had to ignore some topics Townie posted in because he would get me way too worked up for someone I have never interacted with outside of this forum, but I find myself agreeing with everything he has said on this topic which is a rarity for me.

    The fan club comment is too funny.

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  12. #60
    Senior Member JKOL's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    Hahahaha I have a fan club? Ummmm bro i remember my first posts with you. I was arguing with multiple people and you even called for me to be banned because I don't live in Colorado. Try again buddy.

    You didn't make any false statements? How about the first post I went off about? You know the whole never being a slave comment? I even backed that up with links. If you even bothered to read them.

    I'm not trolling you. If I was trolling you I would be looking for a emotional outburst. No I'm just saying that you have some very incorrect ideas about the world.

    To finish by going back to your "relic" comment. A relic is a object or idea that is a thing of the past. The kkk is a group. A group that is still around and still up to no good.

    Your idea of using the word relic was false. Also racism is still very much alive today. And it is a sad thing. Only thing is its not the same as it used to be. Knock out game? Random violence against white people? Hell you have bored kids killing white people for "fun".

    Like I said I'm not trolling you. I'm correcting incorrect comments. And I have given you links. You ignored them and decided to carry on.

    Maybe you're trolling yourself. Idk.
    Damn you Townie, if I continue to agree with you it could cause my head to explode.

    Again, you are spot on, the double standard that persists today of only white people can be racists, but black people can't is too ridiculous for me to comprehend. It is why I believe we are moving backwards rapidly as a society when it comes to racial division.

    To go along with your killing white people for fun, here is another link for 07D675CO to ignore.;_ylt...yfp-t-901&fp=1

    The knockout game is F*&king infuriating.

    In other news, I saw a report yesterday that St. Louis gun stores are selling 2-3 times more firearms than they normally sell this time of year. Like Aaron said, this could easily make the LA riots look like a weekend at Disneyland. St. Louis isn't exactly known as being a safe city to begin with.

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  13. #61
    Member 07D675CO's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    Hahahaha I have a fan club? Ummmm bro i remember my first posts with you. I was arguing with multiple people and you even called for me to be banned because I don't live in Colorado. Try again buddy.

    You didn't make any false statements? How about the first post I went off about? You know the whole never being a slave comment? I even backed that up with links. If you even bothered to read them.

    I'm not trolling you. If I was trolling you I would be looking for a emotional outburst. No I'm just saying that you have some very incorrect ideas about the world.

    To finish by going back to your "relic" comment. A relic is a object or idea that is a thing of the past. The kkk is a group. A group that is still around and still up to no good.

    Your idea of using the word relic was false. Also racism is still very much alive today. And it is a sad thing. Only thing is its not the same as it used to be. Knock out game? Random violence against white people? Hell you have bored kids killing white people for "fun".

    Like I said I'm not trolling you. I'm correcting incorrect comments. And I have given you links. You ignored them and decided to carry on.

    Maybe you're trolling yourself. Idk.
    If you bothered to read the links you would know not many ended up in the US, most were in the West Indies. Since your geography is terrible I'm sure, that is not part of the US. Second indentured servitude is not slavery. Now look at the total numbers of African slaves here and Irish. What I was talking about is the vast vast majority of a whole race being enslaved in a country. Considering the country was almost exclusively white a small percentage of them possibly slaves that is not even close to the fucking same.

    Think about this "Only about 6 percent of imports went directly to British North America. Yet by 1825, the U.S. had a quarter of blacks in the New World." How does that not create a culture when the population exploded meaning they were born here and raised in slavery never knowing anything else.

    Some more stats for you: "In 1860, 89 percent of the nation's African Americans were slaves; blacks formed 13 percent of the country's population and 33 percent of the South's population." Can you imagine if 89% of the white population was enslaved? What would that do to your culture and your community?

    Now I'm going to give you an English lesson: One of the definitions of Relic: "4. relics.
    • remaining parts or fragments."

    So now what do you got?
    Last edited by 07D675CO; Thu Nov 20th, 2014 at 02:40 PM.
    2010 Ducati Hypermotard 796

  14. #62
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by 07D675CO View Post
    If you bothered to read the links you would know not many ended up in the US, most were in the West Indies. Since your geography is terrible I'm sure, that is not part of the US. Second indentured servitude is not slavery. Now look at the total numbers of African slaves here and Irish. What I was talking about is the vast vast majority of a whole race being enslaved in a country. Considering the country was almost exclusively white a small percentage of them possibly slaves that is not even close to the fucking same.

    Think about this "Only about 6 percent of imports went directly to British North America. Yet by 1825, the U.S. had a quarter of blacks in the New World." How does that not create a culture when the population exploded meaning they were born here and raised in slavery never knowing anything else.

    Some more stats for you: "In 1860, 89 percent of the nation's African Americans were slaves; blacks formed 13 percent of the country's population and 33 percent of the South's population." Can you imagine if 89% of the white population was enslaved? What would that do to your culture and your community?

    Now I'm going to give you an English lesson: One of the definitions of Relic: "4. relics.
    • remaining parts or fragments."

    So now what do you got?

    Hahahaha and if you had bothered to continue to read you would have read that by the end of slavery the majority of slaves were owned by black slave owners.

    I never argued on the majority. I argued that they were not the only ones.

    Also along your relic remark. Fragments? Blaahahaha.

    Try again bud. Considering that there is not only the kk but many many other organizations that operate with the same goals one would say they have just branched out.

    Relic. Lol. What a joke.

    Tell you what bud why don't you go do some homework and come back to the table with real facts. Not some garbage repeated from CNN.

    Start with this. Look up the percentages of black vs white crime. Start with rape. After you do that come back and tell me how I should still feel remorse for events from the 1800s.

    Maybe once you open your eyes you can see what is truly happening in this country. You can see how the news is creating this division with people.

    Don't you see that fox news and CNN are the two largest dividers of this country? This left vs right bullshit is the problem with the country.

    Every report they give is to play on your emotions. That's because once you have been sucked in they can play you off your emotions. This creates that divide. As long as we hate each other we can never truly have this country.

    As long as we are divided we will argue over shity presidents and how great/awful they are. Truth is they are just working to help get the rich richer.

    I want you to go do some reading on your own. Go see how white people are being told to feel bad about those things. And then read about how the roles are being reversed.

    After you read that see how in the news its always massive headlines about a white cop blah blah. You never read about the black cop killing the unarmed white tean. You never read about the group of black youth randomly attacking the white people. Screaming racial slurs.

    That is another pawn in the game to make us angry. I'm not buying it. I can see manipulation a mile away. No I want to see the day we all stand together and take back this country. White.. Black.. Brown or yellow. All standing together to create real change in our government.

    Go read man. You will see that everything I'm saying about the white vs black is true. Its just simple manipulation.

  15. #63
    Member Ph03niX's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    I wondered how much of the population in Ferguson or the surrounding areas carry a gun and came up with this. Gun sales have risen by a large amount..

    If only everyone owned a gun...
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  16. #64
    Senior Member mdub's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    .....I want to see the day we all stand together and take back this country. White.. Black.. Brown or yellow. All standing together to create real change in our government.

    Dont forget Rainbow....

  17. #65

    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    I will be there! Riding my pet unicorn stumpy

  18. #66
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by Geology Rocks View Post
    I will be there! Riding my pet unicorn stumpy
    WTF...are you part of Anonymous! Cuz a picture of this unicorn is what they sent out when they hacked into the KKK's twitter account
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  19. #67
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by mdub View Post
    Dont forget Rainbow....
    Yeah I know. But still it would be nice to be able work with each other instead of against.

  20. #68
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    Hahahaha and if you had bothered to continue to read you would have read that by the end of slavery the majority of slaves were owned by black slave owners.

    I never argued on the majority. I argued that they were not the only ones.

    Also along your relic remark. Fragments? Blaahahaha.

    Try again bud. Considering that there is not only the kk but many many other organizations that operate with the same goals one would say they have just branched out.

    Relic. Lol. What a joke.

    Tell you what bud why don't you go do some homework and come back to the table with real facts. Not some garbage repeated from CNN.

    Start with this. Look up the percentages of black vs white crime. Start with rape. After you do that come back and tell me how I should still feel remorse for events from the 1800s.

    Maybe once you open your eyes you can see what is truly happening in this country. You can see how the news is creating this division with people.

    Don't you see that fox news and CNN are the two largest dividers of this country? This left vs right bullshit is the problem with the country.

    Every report they give is to play on your emotions. That's because once you have been sucked in they can play you off your emotions. This creates that divide. As long as we hate each other we can never truly have this country.

    As long as we are divided we will argue over shity presidents and how great/awful they are. Truth is they are just working to help get the rich richer.

    I want you to go do some reading on your own. Go see how white people are being told to feel bad about those things. And then read about how the roles are being reversed.

    After you read that see how in the news its always massive headlines about a white cop blah blah. You never read about the black cop killing the unarmed white tean. You never read about the group of black youth randomly attacking the white people. Screaming racial slurs.

    That is another pawn in the game to make us angry. I'm not buying it. I can see manipulation a mile away. No I want to see the day we all stand together and take back this country. White.. Black.. Brown or yellow. All standing together to create real change in our government.

    Go read man. You will see that everything I'm saying about the white vs black is true. Its just simple manipulation.
    You clearly need to stay away from the tinfoil hat blogs etc. You cannot just forget about hundreds of years of history because it is inconvenient for you. I never said I agree with the actions of the protesters, or the culture. I am just saying there are reasons behind it. You can't seem to grasp that.

    Considering people were still killed and prevented from exercising their freedoms until the mid-1960s I think your 1800's comment is pretty disingenuous. Get your head out of the sand already, or your ass whichever you prefer. This is my last reply to your petty comments until you can talk intelligently and not blah blah blah.
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  21. #69
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by 07D675CO View Post
    You clearly need to stay away from the tinfoil hat blogs etc. You cannot just forget about hundreds of years of history because it is inconvenient for you. I never said I agree with the actions of the protesters, or the culture. I am just saying there are reasons behind it. You can't seem to grasp that.

    Considering people were still killed and prevented from exercising their freedoms until the mid-1960s I think your 1800's comment is pretty disingenuous. Get your head out of the sand already, or your ass whichever you prefer. This is my last reply to your petty comments until you can talk intelligently and not blah blah blah.

    Hahahaha yeah. I'm the one not having a intelligent conversation? Slavery has been over to almost as long as it lasted.

    If you want to really compare something let's compare the Jews. They have been enslaved and killed for thousands of years. Hell just not too long ago something like six million of them were killed just because they were Jews.

    So yeah you want comparisons let's look at that.

  22. #70
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    I have no idea where this thread is going but I brought popcorn.

  23. #71
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    Quote Originally Posted by 07D675CO View Post
    I am just saying there are reasons behind it. You can't seem to grasp that.
    So are you saying that what we are seeing in Ferguson is the product of slavery? - Contact me for CSC pricing

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  24. #72
    Senior Member mdub's Avatar
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    Re: What should be done in Ferguson

    ........ And we are about to go a full circle....

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